8 / Devanté Swing pt. 2

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"________?" You snapped out of your thoughts as Jose nudged you, signaling that you had pulled up to Dark Blues– where Vanessa's after party would be held

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"________?" You snapped out of your thoughts as Jose nudged you, signaling that you had pulled up to Dark Blues– where Vanessa's after party would be held.

You looked down at your outfit, nodding as you stepped out of the car. Jose wrapped his arm around your waist, smiling at the photographers that were waiting outside – screaming at you. You couldn't make out what they were saying but you could catch Devante's name in most of the shouts.

"Calm down," Jose whispered into your ear, "You look amazing."

You nodded, your eyes traveling the tight dress adorning your figure. You were happy with the outfit you had chosen - but you couldn't help but think it was a little much - especially since you were going to be seeing Devante yet again.

You squinted as you entered the club, flashing lights hitting you immediately. You looked around at all the sweaty bodies – your heart beating faster as you recognized all the famous people inside the enormous space.

"Let's get a drink," Jose muttered, leading you to the bar.

A drink, you thought, was exactly what you needed if you planned to get through the night.

You grinned at the Martini he thrust into you grip a few moments later, "This party is insane."

You nodded, your eyes subconsciously traveling from wall to wall – trying to spot his tall silhouette.

"Holy shit," your eyes widened, "Is that Prince?"

"You nerd," Jose nudged you laughing, "Go talk to him."

You made a choking sound as you shook your head, "No. No – what the fuck would I say? Hey – I love your music, also why are you and Michael beefing?"

Jose continued laughing as you grumbled, "I'd completely embarrassed myself – do you remember how I reacted when I met Michael last year? That was – "

"Hilarious," a deep voice spoke behind you.

You immediately shut up, your heart pounding as you turned around – Devante's smirking face looking down at you. He was leaning against the bar, no longer wearing his black leather jacket – his black long shirt tight around his arms. Dear God.

"Of course you would think it was hilarious," you smiled, your cheeks hot.

You could feel Jose leave, your mind blanking as the beautiful human in front of you slowly consumed you.

"That was one of your better moments," Devante winked.

You puffed out your cheeks, "I – shut up."

He was silent as his gaze traveled over you, his hazel eyes getting darker, if that was even possible, as he took you in. You didn't hesitate to take him in as well, the alcohol in your system definitely not helping you – your thoughts far too inappropriate for a crowded club.

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