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First things first - this is NOT going to be an autobiography. I strongly believe that writing such thing not even being thirty is inappropriate (simply stupid). Your life would have to be extremely extraordinary or it would have to have an enormous impact on other people's lives. And such was my life...

I'm kidding of course. There's not many people who deserve writing their own autobiography, let alone having someone write it for them. Story you're about to read (hopefully) is merely a part of my life that I'd like to share with you. At the time of writing it, it lasts for over 10 years, so it's about third of my whole life... And I didn't realize it until now...

Let treat this story as a therapy for twisted mind of a pathetic man who lost more than he got in the first place and regrets not fighting hard enough for his own happiness.

While reading this many of you might, or rather will with certainty, call me a little whiny bitch. And I cannot blame you for that. I admit I hate myself for being like that. But the truth is that is just how I am, I tried changing, being harder but simply couldn't. Every time I tried I just hated myself even more. I always say that I was born 200 years too late... So If you want to call me that it it's fine, I don't care. Whatever I will write here, all my feelings, all my inner thoughts, everything is just another attempt to let go of my past, an attempt to forget at least part of that what has been eating me from inside for over a decade now. It is just my take on a therapy course. My reasoning is that if I pour all of this on paper (even if I never share this with anyone else) it all will just disappear in a magical way and I will finally be free of my demons which prevent me from being happy. Even though I know that right now the only person that stands between me and my happiness is myself ("Black Swan", I know...).

Well then, without further ado, let's start TheStory of My Life.

Story of my lifeWhere stories live. Discover now