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Hi, my name is R and I'm dead. I mean not now while I'm writing this, obviously, but when you read this. Well, I cannot be sure of that but it's just that it's highly possible that I won't be among you that long. Besides it's a good way to draw your attention. Anyway, I'd like to share The Story of My Life with you. And I hope you'll enjoy it more than I do (did?).

First things first - I'm fat. Not obese but rather... well built. From waist up. But it was much worse and I used to look like a common pig. With no offence to pigs. At age 21 and being 5' 7" I weighted 286 lbs. Yes, I did... So my looks wasn't perfect. But at the time I didn't care much about it. And I must say that now when I think about it, it scares me a little.

Maybe that's why I've always been rather shy and withdrawn. I never liked parties and places with many people. I'd rather sit at home and watch TV or play a computer, or read a book (hmmm... I wander how I got that fat... any ideas?). And I must say I'm still this guy, but now I like sometimes go somewhere with my friends. Not too often though.

People always rather liked me. Well, not all people, as you're going to see... But even though I'm shy, I've never had much difficulties meeting new people. With two exceptions, that is - as long as there weren't too many of them at once, and when I did like that person a little TOO much, if you know what I mean... Yes, I was never particularly good in communicating with girls. But we're about to get there too.

So as you can see I've never been the most popular kid, but I haven't been an outcast also. Just your (a little less) regular teenager and later a young man.

Now I'm over 30 and I weight about 200 lbs. And almost all that weight loss happened in a span of three months. How, you might ask? Simple - I fell deeply in love. And that wasn't the only change in my life at that time. Yeah, yeah, I know how it sounds but it's true. And basically that's how it happened...

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