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17th of January was the day the whole world stopped for me and only one thing mattered – we were finally together officially. As we agreed the day earlier, I visited Her and She greeted me dressed in Her miniskirt I liked so much and wearing the lighter shade of lipstick, the one I chose the day before. I looked at Her and couldn't believe my luck. Such a woman wanting to be with me. Happiness was pouring straight from my heart. She smiled like only She could, I grabbed Her, hugged hard and kissed on the lips.

I remember that first thing we did was to sit on a couch in living room, She on my laps, and She gave me a piece of paper with some general "rules" for our relationship. I know it sounds stupid but I knew it was because She didn't want our relationship to end like Her previous one with B, so I agreed on everything. On one hand it wasn't anything that I wouldn't do, and on the other I would have agreed on anything just to be sure that She would stay with me.

So the first day was perfect. But beginnings always are... The next day I invited Her to the cinema to see the movie She wanted. She said it was good that I did that, but Her face didn't show any signs of happiness. This was the first time I saw something different in Her. And it was just the second day of our relationship...

So we went to the cinema, took part in some silly contest before the movie and then watched it. I wrapped my arm around Her and that's how we spent the whole thing. After that I drove Her home and got back. But I couldn't stop thinking that something was wrong. And I was about to be proven right...

It started to feel really weird. She was absent all the time. We didn't talk that much, we didn't spend much time together. So what I did? I broke up with Her... Yes, after all this time trying to get Her I simply dumped Her after just six days of being together...

Fortunately it wasn't one of these "bad" break-ups. We simply both agreed that it wouldn't work out, so we decided to go back to being just friends. I still loved Her, but seeing that She couldn't be happy with me made me think that I shouldn't put pressure on Her. If it was not working, than nothing else could have been done.

So yes, it hurt a lot. But it hurt even more when some time later She told me that She felt like She stopped loving me even before She agreed on being with me... She said it was an impulsive decision, that She just felt really happy that day and Her decision wasn't driven by Her feelings towards me but more by the fact that She had a "better day". So basically I was a new pair of shoes bought in the flow of joy... But there was nothing I could do about that.

But my broken heart was nothing compared to what I have felt after just a few days...

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