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I remember this as if it was yesterday... February 25th (year is irrelevant). That's the day I saw Her for the first time. At least that's what I thought then because much later we both discovered that actually we've met a few years prior to that day. So not to confuse you chronologically I'll try to separate the most important dates in my story.


It was four years before we've met face to face. I was attending some after school classes – private language school. Since I was one of its students with highest scores, they've prepared a reward for such pupils – an opportunity to take part in recording radio commercial for the school. And so it happened – She was there too.

I didn't even notice Her then but I believe it was because She was a little too young at that time (I was 18, She was 14). And I knew it was Her only because one of our teachers said Her name in a car that we took to get to the radio station. And it occurred to me only after a few years that we've actually met earlier...


After that I decided to go to college. I didn't graduate because I realized it wasn't for me, so I had to find a job. I was a blue collar worker and long story short – I had to quit because of twisted ankle (weird, I know). So I decided to get back to that language school to get better education since I couldn't do physical labor.

I've signed up at the beginning of February and Iremember hearing Her name being read by teachers form students list. For thefirst two weeks She was absent. And then came the 25th of February...


We were standing downstairs waiting for our classes to start. She was there. And frankly I didn't see anything special in Her at the time. Just ordinary girl in red jeans, white and blue sweatshirt, black trainers and with shoulder-long black hair and braces. She was talking to Her friends (I signed up half semester later than others, so I didn't know anyone that well yet) and looked at me from time to time. Did I mention that I was 286 lbs then? Yeah... so this glimpses meant nothing to both of us.

Days passed, we were seeing each other twice a week and there's actually one date that I cannot remember at all – the first time my heart started beating a little faster just by looking at Her. It must have been sometime in march though. But what I remember is what triggered it. Her smile. Oh my God, that smile... one day our eyes met in the middle of the class and She smiled at me. Heart pounding, palms sweating, all thoughts distracted... and that was it – I fell in love.

After that there wasn't a day I wouldn't think about Her. There wasn't a day that I wouldn't imagine us together. She completely consumed my life. I didn't live day by day or week after the other. I lived Mondays and Wednesdays because that's when our classes where scheduled. I was seeing Her at Mondays, waited till Wednesday to see Her again and then I was dying for the next four days. I took every opportunity to get closer to Her. Waiting for classes – I always stood somewhere where I could either see Her well or listen to Her heavenly voice.

In class – I always sat somewhere where I could look at Her without being creepy. Sometimes we even sat next to each other. And these were the greatest moments of my life.

One day I realized that very often She was the first person to come for the classes. So I started to come even earlier just to spend a little more time with Her. In general, She attended school near our language school, that's why She was there that early. I remember that one time, when I waited in the hall for classes and heard closing doors and footsteps down the stairs. I don't know how but I knew... and I was right – it was her. I fought myself not to show to many emotions and simply said "Hi" and we talked a little about anything and everything. She might not have known that but that day She made me the happiest man on Earth.

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