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One day, totally unpredictable, one of my friends, have sent me a link to a video. I just turned it on and I saw S. He was taking part in one of talent shows. And of course She was there as well...

I watched him showing off his talents and from time to time camera took a look at his girlfriend. And every time it did my heart started beating faster and faster. But it completely stopped once S said what he would do if he won the main prize. He would buy an engagement ring...

I always knew this would happen someday, but still knowing that one day She would become a wife of someone else hurt like hell.

Well, at least I didn't maintain any contact with Her anymore, right?



One year, seven months and six days. That's how long our separation lasted. There's a saying that happy people do not count time. So the fact that I know exactly how long we didn't talk should tell you everything...

I was planning just to go away. I wanted to get as far away from Her as possible. I booked plane tickets to Canada. I have a family there, the plan was to go there on vacations but if possible find a job and live there for the rest of my life. In the era of facebook and other means of technological communication possibilities I wouldn't be able to completely remove Her out of my life but at least this might have kept my temptations to meet Her face to face on a leash.

So what did I do in order to keep as far away from Her as possible? I called Her and set a meeting... Yes, I called Her after one year, seven months and six days...

I was fighting with myself for a few days before I called. I completely didn't know what to say, what to expect. I wasn't even sure if She remembered me. Once I decided I wanted to talk to Her, firstly I sent a text where I introduced myself just to be sure She knew who I was in case She deleted my phone number. She didn't... I simply asked if I could call Her if She had time. And if She wanted to talk to me at all. Thankfully She did... So later that day I called Her and we just talked for more than an hour, like the good old days. We talked about everything and nothing, as usual, as if this year, seven months and six days were mere weekend. I don't know how about you, for me this fact alone is an evidence how close we really were.

I didn't tell Her about my plans to leave the country yet. I wanted to tell Her that face-to-face. Yeah... again to prevent me from meeting Her I asked Her to meet. Flawless plan... So in the end we set a meeting, this time She had chosen a place (as She is much more outgoing than I am and She knew more places) – a café I didn't even know existed in my own city.

We arrived almost simultaneously, She came the same minute I parked my car. She always was (and still is) beautiful, but I wasn't prepared for what I saw. She somewhat changed hairstyle and She looked breathtakingly gorgeous. I was simply stunned, couldn't speak for a few seconds. I missed Her so much and after over a year I nearly forgot how happy She made me in the past.

So we went in, ordered coffees, sat down and talked. For about five hours... Again, it felt like just five minutes to me. With Her time always passed by like a lightning, I could never get enough of Her, I always wanted more. More time as well as more of Her...

As usual I do not remember specifics, I was so focused on just being happy that She was next to me. All I can recall is that I told Her about my plans to leave the country (but I didn't mention why I wanted to do that). This triggered some memories of Her gift She gave me – the book I mentioned earlier as it was given to me as a reminder of Her for my trip to Canada I planned about two years prior but nothing came out of it then.

The other topic we discussed was Her new boyfriend – S. She told me how they met, how they ended up together, how they lived together in the city She studied. She told me probably everything. I felt jealous but not as a boyfriend would be jealous of his girlfriend meeting with some other guy, but more jealous of him being with the most stunning and incredible Woman I have ever known. With the Woman I loved the most in the world. But hey, no one said life would be easy, right?

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