Chapter 9

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Ji Ah's POV
"Good Morning!" I greet my parents who were having breakfast at the dining table. They greet me back while I take a seat beside Omma.

"Where is Jungkook and Jimin?" I look around trying to find both of them but they are nowhere to be seen.

"They went out early in the morning. Oh! Jungkook said to call him when you are awake he has some things to tell you I suppose" Appa inform me while I nod. I took two pieces of toast bread and spread butter and peanut butter on each of it.

I went back to my room to give Jungkook a call after finishing up breakfast. I wonder what Jungkook needs to inform me. He picked up on the second ring. 


"Ji Ah, get out of the house now! Meet me at the location I am sending you" Jungkook cut me off. He sounded worried and panicky at the same time. 


"Just do as I say and bring ur phone, wallet and some clothes along" he informs me and hangs up. I quickly pack a few clothes into my bag and rush out of the house. Jungkook has already sent me the location of where he is. To my surprise, Omma and Appa are not in the house which was abnormal. I start to panic about what is happening. There are so many questions in my head right now and I need answers. I took a taxi to the location and within 15 minutes I found myself at a very secluded alley with a small cafe beside it. 

I look around to find either Jungkook or Jimin but they are nowhere to be found but instead, Omma and Appa were in the cafe. I enter the cafe and meet with them. 

"Omma? Appa? What are you doing here? Did Jungkook tell you to come here too?" I question them. They have this panic and confuse look on their faces as well. I guess they did not expect me to be here too. I took out my phone to see if there are any messages from Jungkook but there was none. I sat down at a table at the far end of the cafe with my parents trying to figure out what is happening. 

Jungkook's POV 

In the early morning, Jimin Hyung and I decided to go back to the castle. We wanted to know why is Ryujin in the castle. 

"Where is my dad?" I ask in a stern voice to Ryujin. She just pointed to Appa's office and I wasted no time to his office.

"Appa, why is that girl Ryujin in the castle? Why is she attending the same school as us? What is your plan now?" I blurt out the questions that have been lingering in my mind for some time now.

"Take a seat first son. I will explain it to you but how is the progress on turning Ji Ah into one of us going?" Appa asked back instead of explaining it straight to me. I gulped. I don't want to lie to him but at the same time, I don't want him to know that I am not turning Ji Ah as one of us. She is innocent and I can't see her in pain when I bite her to make her one of us.

"Aren't you going to answer me?" I still remain quiet not answering. Appa press the intercom button to signal the guards.

"I want you to bring Ji Ah and her family here right now! They must be home" Appa instructed the guards. My heart starts to beat quickly. I did not expect this to happen so soon.

"Appa I have to go to the bathroom for a minute. When I come back please explain to me" I went out and into the bathroom. I texted Ji Ah's parents to go to the location I sent and inform them to ask Ji Ah to call me. As soon as I sent that, a few minutes later Ji Ah called and I told her to go to the same place as her parents while packing a few things. I did not explain what was going on and I know she would be questioning about it. I went back to Appa's office hoping that he would not suspect anything. 

"So Appa, why is Ryujin in the castle? Why is she attending the same school as us? What is your plan now?" I question Appa once again with the same question I ask before.

"Ryujin is just the daughter of one of my friends. She came to pursue her studies here and I thought I would help my friend and let her stay with us. She is not involved in any of this" Appa replies me with the most simple and vague answer. I am not trusting him. I know Appa is up to no good. I should tell Ji Ah to be wary about her surroundings when she is with Ryujin. I would not allow Appa to get her and proceed with his plan. 

"Are you serious Appa? Why have I not seen Ryujin before when we visit your friends?" I stare at Appa. He is always visiting his friends and we would follow him thus making me know all his friends' child and trust me most of his friends' child are guys instead of girls. 

"Every time I visit Ryujin's family you did not follow since you said that it is far and that is the reason why you have not seen her before" I give Appa a sceptical look but before I could question him again, his guards barged into the room. 

"Sir, they are not in the house. We searched everywhere for them but they are nowhere to be found, sir" One of the guards inform Appa. 

"I think I should get going now. I have school work to be done" I inform Appa and was about to leave his office when he stopped me. 

"Jungkook where did you hide them? What are you trying to do Jungkook?" I turn to see Appa's angry facial expression. 

"I did not hide them Appa and I am not doing anything. I am just trying to protect them from you. Appa, they are your family too. They have the same blood flowing in them as you. I know you want to have revenge on your brother but this is not the way. Appa, I am not going to turn Ji Ah into one of us and that is final. I can't bear looking at her in pain when I bite her to be one of us. You may throw me out of the house like how Halabeoji did to Uncle. I don't care anymore. I am leaving now" I finally tell Appa the truth and walk out of his office. 

"Hyung let's go now. I am never coming back to this house ever again" I told Jimin Hyung as soon as I reach the living room. He walks beside me to the car. Before driving off to the location that Ji Ah and her family is at, I told Jimin Hyung what happened in the office and message Ji Ah that I am coming over to pick them up. 


Author's Note: 

Heyy! Okiee I know that this book updates are very slow and I am sorry for those who are reading it. Sorry for making you wait. It has been hard juggling school and work at the same time but since I am on break now, I hope I would be able to update it when I am not working. 

Vampire Love // Jungkook(BTS) FF ✓Where stories live. Discover now