Chapter 8

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Jungkook's POV

I have been texting Ji Ah non-stop and her sending those locations which show that she is on the other side makes me even more worried. I can sense something is going to happen and this Ryujin girl has something up her sleeves.

"Hyung, I think we should follow Ji Ah now. She is at the barrier and I can sense that something is not right. Also, she is not replying or sending me any more locations since the last one she sends which is the barrier" I told Jimin Hyung who was busy with his homework. I am really getting impatient and worried. The last time she sends me that location was an hour ago and after that, she wasn't replying to any of my messages or returning my calls.

"But how are we going there? It is the other side of the barrier and it is far from here" Jimin Hyung states as a matter of fact. Well, the barrier that Ji Ah sends me was, in fact, the other side and was the closest one to the Castle. 'Wait, The Castle' when my head stops my train of thoughts and repeated those words, everything makes sense now.

"Hyung, the Castle! She was at the barrier which is the closest to the Castle. This must be Appa's plan and that Ryujin girl is helping Appa. Hyung we have to go to the Castle now. Ji Ah might be in danger right now and we can never know what Appa might do to her" I told Jimin Hyung and rush him out of our room and told Uncle that we had some important things to do and we needed his car. I can't tell him the truth or he would be worried or know about Appa's evil plan. I drive the car to the fastest I could and it almost reaches 150Km/h. Jimin Hyung, on the other hand, is panicking at how fast I am bringing.

"YAH!!! Jungkook can you slow down?" Jimin Hyung started to nag but I didn't listen to him. This is a matter of life and death right now. I can't let Appa do anything to Ji Ah. Although I know that for Ji Ah to turn into a vampire, I am the only one who can do that but I can never be sure about it. Since Appa is the King he could do anything and even hurt Ji Ah.

When we arrive in front of the Castle, Ryujin's car is already parked in front of the gates. My mind is blank not knowing how to stop Appa if he is doing anything to Ji Ah. Jimin Hyung nudge me in the elbow waking me up from my train of thoughts.

"Aren't you going in?" I just look at him with a blank face he straight away knows that I am worried and doesn't know what to do.

"I will follow you in, this time. Let's just make sure Ji Ah is safe and get out of there quickly" I nod at him and turn off the car engine before getting out of the car. I took a deep breath preparing to see whatever that is happening inside. The guards open the door for me and the scene before me is something I did not expect. Ji Ah is sitting on the couch with a glass of water watching the television with Ryujin by her side. However, something is still suspicious. Appa is nowhere to be seen as well as Omma.

"Ji Ah, are you okay?" Ji Ah turns her head and she is shocked to see me there.

Ji Ah's POV

I turn to the familiar voice who just called my name and to my surprise there stood Jungkook and Jimin looking shocked as well.

"Yea, I am fine. What are you doing here?" I ask them with curiosity on my face. They look kinda panicked and worried about something though but I don't know what is worrying them.

"This is my house and why didn't you reply to my messages or answer my calls?" Jungkook questions me again. I just remembered that this was indeed his house. I still remember how I ended up in the Castle the first time from being caught spying on them. That was at the time the most terrifying thing that happened to me.

"Sorry, my phone is on silent mode and charging. I didn't realise that you messaged and called me" I stated bluntly. It is the truth though. Both of them keep on looking around the Castle as if finding for something or someone but Jimin keeps on looking at Ryujin in a suspicious way. I have to admit that when Ryujin suddenly parks in front of the Castle just now, I was scared and didn't know what she is doing. Now, I feel kind of at ease knowing that Ryujin is staying here for the time being and I thought she is someone who is related to Jungkook but no. Although, I am still suspicious about it a little. I mean why would the King rent out a room in the Castle for a stranger like Ryujin who is not related to Jungkook at all or his family but I guess the King must have his own reasons.

"Ji Ah lets head home. Uncle and Aunty are worried about you and it is getting dark" Jungkook came to me and pull me up asking me to get all my things and head home with him.

"I can send her home later" Ryujin states looking at Jungkook straight in the eye. I feel some tension between them and it is getting scarier. I mentally made up my mind to go home with Jungkook and Jimin to avoid getting nag at by Jungkook. I quietly slip out of his grip and pick up my school bag and phone.

"Maybe next time we could hang out again. See you in school Ryujin!" I bid her goodbye and snap Jungkook's gaze at Ryujin. This is getting much more intense. I don't get why he hates Ryujin so much. She is a nice girl and doesn't even hurt me. I have to admit that at first in the car when we pass the barrier I am sceptical about her but once we enter the Castle and started to watch movies, that suspicious feeling I had for her vanishes straight away.

Once we are in the car, Jungkook starts the engine and drive back home. All three of us are quiet and the silence is really killing me. It was not even an awkward silence but more of tense silence. Jungkook is just concentrating on the road without even glancing to me and Jimin is on his phone for I don't even know what.

"Sorry for making you worried" I speak up breaking the wall of silence. It took me a lot of courage to break it since I don't know what to expect after that. Would he nag at me or would he remain quiet or what? I can never know his reaction. It was getting dark outside and their fangs could be seen now. Honestly, this is the first time I see them with their fangs.

"Please be mindful when you are around Ryujin. I still don't trust that girl and after knowing that she is staying with my Appa, really worries me more about your safety. I know Appa so well and having Ryujin in that house with him, is something out of the ordinary" I could hear his worries from his tone. I nod my head although I know that he wouldn't see it. Once their fangs could be seen, they become really self-conscious about themselves in front of me. After a long drive, we finally reach home. I wish them a good night and did my night routine before heading to bed.


Vampire Love // Jungkook(BTS) FF ✓Where stories live. Discover now