Chapter 11

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Jungkook's POV
We stayed at the dining table throughout the night. The things that Uncle said was right but I know I am not strong enough to do it.

"You guys should have a rest it was a long day" Jimin Hyung voice out. Ji Ah and I just nodded our head. I walk Ji Ah to her room and hug her before she goes to bed.

"Kook" Ji Ah called when I was about to leave her room.

"Yes? Is something wrong?" I turn and walk back to her side looking at her worriedly.

"Don't think about it anymore alright? Rest and sleep well. Whatever your decision is, I am always ready for it. Goodnight Kook! I love you" Ji Ah said before pecking me and giving me her soft small smile.

"Goodnight I love you too" I walk out of her room after returning her a small smile as well. I enter my room seeing that Jimin Hyung is already sitting on his bed.

"Hyung" I called out softly.

"What should I do?" I ask him as soon as he turn his head away from his phone.

"Jungkook before you say anything else please go get your daily dose of blood. Your face and lips are really pale now" Jimin Hyung stood and went to the small refrigerator to get me a pack of blood. He hand me the pack but I didn't feel like drinking it.

"I don't want it Hyung. I don't feel the need to drink it and I don't crave for it at all" I told him and push his hand away.

"Please you need to drink it or you would get sick" Jimin Hyung force me. He opens the pack and hand it to me.

"Drink it before you harm anyone" I slowly drank a sip of it before closing the pack at passing it back to him.

"Hyung what am I going to do? I don't want to harm Ji Ah and I don't want her to be back on the other side" I look at Jimin Hyung wanting him to give me the answer. I feel lost. I don't want to repeat the history and making my future chdren with Ji Ah suffer but I don't want to hurt Ji Ah now as well. I don't want her to go back and live at the horrible place on the other side. That side is never meant for her. Those harsh environment and horrible treatment and tortures that she could see is not something I want her to remember. Turning her would mean that she would crave for blood and being in huge pain is hard for me to imagine. 

"Kook I know you would make the right decision trust yourself and talk with Ji Ah ask her what she thinks and feels. Does she want to be back to her original place or does she want to stay? However staying would mean that history repeats and your future will be torturous" Jimin Hyung states. As I expected he would never give me a specific answer but he would always advice me to follow my heart and think far before doing anything.

"Get some rest Kook. Sleep and not think about it we will talk in the mornig with Ji Ah" Jimin Hyung turn off the light. I was exhausted but was unable to fall asleep. I was in dilemma on what to do. I know that continuing this family history and hatred would not be best for mine and Ji Ah's future but turning Ji Ah into a vampire is really something that I would not want. I have promised myself to protect her and not hurt her or turn her into a vampire since the first day I see her. 

"Kook I know you are not asleep...Get some sleep before you become my pillow" Jimin Hyung threatens. 

"I am trying to sleep Hyung but there is so many things in my head right now" I let out honestly. Jimin Hyung didn't say a word after that but turn to hug in a comforting way. I slowly drifted to sleep and calm my mind down. 

Ji Ah's POV 

The sun rays penetrating through the thin curtains woke me up. I did not get any proper sleep during the night, waking up every few hours from recurring nightmares. I have been having these nightmares ever since Jungkook told me the truth but it got worst last night. I know I have to tell my parents as well as Jungkook and Jimin about this nightmare. It was not an unusual nightmare however, it was a nightmare where it might really become a reality if we are not well protected. In the nightmare, I was turned into a vampire against my will and with a harsh method. I could feel the pain even though it is just a nightmare. 

"Sweetie..." Omma slowly creak open my bedroom door to peep in. I turn to look at her while she gives me a small smile. 

"Can I come in?" she asks politely which I nodded sweetly. She came sitting on my bed. I know she would want to talk to me alone this morning after what happened last night. 

"I know how you are feeling Sweetie... I was once in your position as well back then. However, Appa and I made the wrong choice which leads to you facing it now. I really want you to make the right decision and persuade Jungkook to do it and go back to the other side. I know you are scared and would not know what the future holds for you if you turned into a vampire and goes to the other side but I can ensure you that it would be better for it to be like this. To be honest with you, I don't want you to do it as well but I would be selfish like that and this would repeat again in the future. Sweetie, I want you to make the right choice alright?" Omma rubs my hand in a comforting way. I start to tear up hearing her words. 

"Omma, what if it gets worst? What if I am restricted when I go to the other side? What if I am unable to see you and Appa again? I am scared Omma... I am scared of the pain and what if I hurt you after I am a vampire?" I let out all my worries. I know Omma would want me to share all this with her. She would not know the answers but I know she would be there for me and support our decision. 

"Don't overthink about it Sweetie...Just trust me that everything would be fine after you go back to the other side and Jungkook's Appa get what he wants, this family hatred would be over as well as the history. This would not repeat again if you end it" she gives me a comforting hug while I cry out all my worries.

"Go get a warm shower and calm yourself. Afterwards, talk to Jungkook and Jimin again about this and discuss it well. Omma and Appa would be out the whole day which would allow the three of you to have some time alone. However, before you all proceed with what you guys have concluded, give us a call and inform us your decisions alright? We would need to be prepared as well and know how to handle things afterwards. Sweetie just remember this, 'Everything would be alright once the hatred is gone' and to make your decisions base on your heart and your future. Every decision will have its consequences but those consequences are depended on your decisions. If you guys make the right decision, the consequences would be good but if the wrong decision is made, the consequences would be bad" Omma gave me a final hug and kiss before guiding me into the shower. 

"Sweetie, Omma and Appa love you very much" Omma kiss me again and gives me a genuine smile before going out of my room to finally leave the house with Appa. I did my morning routine but skipping some steps like putting on light make up and styling my hair since I will be staying home from now on. I went to the small kitchen that our new apartment has to make a simple breakfast for myself as well and Jungkook and Jimin. As soon as I am done making us breakfast, Jungkook and Jimin came to the kitchen. 

"Did you get a good night sleep?" Jimin broke the initial deafening silence. I just nodded my head although I did not really have any sleep last night. 

"I made a decision" Jungkook suddenly said which made me look up at him straight. I gulped down, nervous about the decision that he has made. I probably know his decision but I am still nervous about it and the fact that Omma's words keep ringing in my mind. 

"Kook make sure the decision you made is a decision that you would not regret," Jimin said again before Jungkook could say anything else. I could not continue eating my breakfast with all the different types of decisions that Jungkook could have and decided on. I kept telling myself that everything is going to be okay and that the decision he made would be best for all of us. I stared at him all the time hoping that I am ready to hear his decision. 

"My decision is" Jungkook halted as soon as he started his sentence. 


Author's Note: 

Hey! I know that this chapter took very long but it really is tough lately for me to update recently. I would try to update regularly for this book for the next chapter but I can't keep the promise. Also, I hope that you would look forward to the next chapter no matter how long it takes. Sorry for leaving this chapter with a cliffhanger again :/ Hope you like this chapter though :) 

Sorry if there is any typo or grammatical errors. 

Vampire Love // Jungkook(BTS) FF ✓Where stories live. Discover now