Chapter Two: Activation

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As I entered the room, I found out the principal's office has finally been renovated and redesigned since I'd destroyed it. In the middle of the large room, there was a new glass table and leather office chairs. The documents were neatly organized and placed into the white built-in drawers (though the principal would probably mess it up in less than two days) and the windows were so clean they seemed non-existent.

Erica sat on the glass table and the principal seemed to be annoyed by her but quickly shrunk in his seat after Erica shot him an icy cold glare that made the room temperature lower by 30 degrees. Erica gave me a small smile and I saw a glint of excitement in her eyes as I walked towards her and Cyrus.

"Ripley, Take a seat." Cyrus said without any emotion. "We have hacked into SPYDER's encrypted phone calls and heard discussions on controlling the public airplanes all over the world. We suspect they want to threaten the passengers and use them as hostages to blackmail the government or the president for large sums of money."

I was shocked. "What? It's only been a few months since we last thwarted their evil plans! How did they manage to cook up another wicked plan with so much threat to the world?!" I was scared of what another mission to stop SPYDER was going to bring, after I've been through all the previous unpleasant experiences including having to jump off a cliff, nearly getting killed by a nuclear bomb and getting shot at by a number of people. To be honest it's hard to believe I'm still alive. The times I've been on the brink of death is truly uncountable.

"We don't know how they've managed to recover so soon, but we do know that this will cause a lot of innocent deaths if this isn't stopped soon." Cyrus replied in his standard calm tone.

I sighed and asked him, "Who will be going on the mission?"

"You, Erica and Catherine will be the leaders. You can bring a maximum of two additional people. I'll also be coming to help. Operation Raging Bull will commence at 0200 hours on the day after tomorrow. Get ready and dress like American tourists." With that, Cyrus jumped to his feet and went out the room, leaving me worried with a million questions.

Erica seemed to notice because she reassured me in an unusually soft voice, "It'll be fine, Ben. Don't worry. My mother is coming with us, are you going to bring Mike and Zoe?"

Erica seemed to thaw out a bit since our last mission and even showed a bit of jealousy when Zoe was too close with me. Of course, I'm happy about that but my relationship with Zoe is kind of awkward at this point. "I guess", I replied. Honestly, I'm really contemplating whether or not I should bring Zoe because it would just be an uncomfortable mission and I didn't want that to affect my performance. There are millions of people's lives at stake and messing this up would be a major problem.

Erica could tell I was unsure of what to do, but she acted like she didn't know to give me some time to think. "Alright, I'm going back to my room to get ready. I'll see you at dinner?" "Sure." And she started back to her room.

It took me a moment to realize Erica had basically suggested we have dinner together willingly. I don't know if it was to cheer me up or because Erica is starting to like me more. But I went to my room to pack up some clothes and weapons (my baseball bat and taser). After that I just sat on my bed, soaking in the information and drowning in my confused thoughts.

Before I knew it, it was dinner. Zoe and Mike showed up at my door to get food together and I was still unsure whether I should invite them.

We were chatting happily after we arrived at our table in the mess hall, when someone sat at the empty seat next to me, making Mike and Zoe's eyes widen and drop their forks in shock...

Idk if I should make Ben invite Zoe to the mission or not cuz she seems to be ruining berica moments lol but maybe she's important to the mission. Anyways hope you guys liked it.

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