Chapter Eighteen: The return

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The next day we started our flight back to spy school. With half of SPYDER's members blown up, their evil scheme must be delayed for at least another few months, which means we've just saved the world yet again. I didn't think all this would end up so perfectly, but I'm definitely happy everything worked out anyways.

After a long flight we finally arrived back in Washington. It was great to be back in spy school again.

Mike and Zoe walked into school holding hands and so did Erica and I. I caught the jealous stares of hundreds of guys who'd kill to be with Erica, along with the admiring looks of first years. I really am so lucky.

We got called to the principal's office before we could get to our rooms. We all grunted in annoyance but we got there anyways.

The principal was waiting for us in his leather chair, and for the first time, he smiled at us with admiration in his eyes. "You kids have done well in thwarting SPYDER's plans and saving the world once again. And since the school has recently renovated the top floor, I think you all deserve a room upgrade."

We were all instantly filled with joy, "Really?"

"Yes. From now on you'll be living on the top floor, there are four new rooms there, one for each of you. You may go and check it out now."

"Thank you so much!" We all happily skipped towards our new rooms, save for Erica who was casually strolling through the hallway like nothing exciting happened, although I could see a sparkle of happiness in her eyes.

When we saw our new rooms we were happier than ever. It was at least four times the size of our old rooms. And we had a private bathroom in each of our rooms! This is like a literal dream come true!

Now I could finally have some space to walk instead of having to sit on the bed every time I want to stay in my room.

But, there was one last thing we hadn't taken care of.


Mike, Zoe, Erica and I had a few days off since we had saved the world from a huge disaster, so we decided to meet up and personally lock him up in the spy school prison facility. Which means he's going to be incarcerated here once again. And this time, he's not getting away.

After that, we decided to just walk around the school, but every time we passed a group of people, I heard them talking about us and saw their idolizing looks. Mike whispered to us," We're like the cool kids now! This is so fun!"

"Yeah! This is totally awesome! We can finally experience what being Erica Hale feels like!" Zoe agreed.

Erica let out a small laugh and rolled her eyes playfully. We walked to the mess hall and the first years all offered their chocolate pudding to us, which was the most delicious thing you could get here. And they all tried to sit with us as well. Several of them even asked us questions like "How did you stop the bombs?" or "You guys are so cool! You saved the world!"

We happily shared our experience and even Erica was starting to open up. I guess I really thawed her out, huh?

At the end of the day, I'm just happy to be able to return in one piece, and to be with Erica, the girl of my dreams. Oh, and I really don't wanna go on another mission anytime soon. After everything I'd been through - Erica getting poisoned, surviving yet another near-death experience, finding out Catherine actually works for the enemy, and finally saving the world again,

This has definitely been an experience.

The End.

Or is it? Haha! Maybe there'll be a sequel! Chances aren't high though. Be sure to comment what you think about this book! I think it could definitely be better but it's my first book so I guess it's pretty average.

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