Chapter Eleven: How?

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"GUYS ERICA IS ALIVE!" I shouted and bolted out the door.

I completely forgot about my spare walkie-talkie lying around in my room. The only possibility would be Erica. She must have somehow came back to life.

I've never ran so fast in my life, it felt like my feet were barely touching the ground, like I'm flying in the air. I must have broken Usain Bolt's record because I reached the jet in less than 30 seconds.

I swung open the door to find Erica sitting on a chair in the lounge. I was so relieved to see her alive. She looked weak but she managed to say hi to me. I hugged her tightly and to my surprise, she hugged me back too. Zoe just arrived and saw us hugging, looking a bit jealous.

Catherine attached a needle to Erica's arm, giving her some sodium and antibiotics. Cyrus got her onto the bed and I got her some food and water. I sat next to her on the bed.

"How did you-"

"I think the poison only stopped my heartbeat for a while and put me in a sort of coma, paralyzing my nerves. I had already built up an immunity to many kinds of poison, I take a small amount of it every day. When I woke up, you guys weren't here and I saw a walkie-talkie in a bedroom so I tried reaching out to you." She explained, almost regaining all of her strength and looking completely healthy now.

"Ya know Ben cried twice cuz he though you were dead" I turned around to see Mike with a smirk.

"Shut up." I said to Mike, with a threatening voice.

Mike left to let us have a private talk. I just looked deep into Erica's beautiful blue eyes, they're now once again full of life. I'm just so happy she's alive, I started smiling uncontrollably.

"Why are you smiling?" She asked.

"Nothing, I'm just happy you're still here, I thought I lost you."

She also smiled, and for the second time in my life, I felt the best thing that ever happened to me. Erica kissed me. I'd been dying for another kiss from her since last time in Vail, which was almost a year ago. Her soft, warm lips made all my problems and painful memories go away. I pulled away after 7 seconds and just stared at her.

I saw her cheeks flush to a dark shade of red. Once again, I got lost in her mesmerizing eyes. Oh how much I've missed looking at them. I thought I lost my everything. I can't describe how happy I am to know she didn't leave me.

Erica motioned for me to lie down next to her, she looked exhausted from everything she's been through. In exactly 2 minutes and 16 seconds, Erica fell asleep. I covered her up with a blanket and left her to rest.

When I walked out to the lounge, I was met with Mike's smug expression and Zoe's annoyed look. She rolled her eyes when she saw me and went in her bedroom. "Looks like your secret admirer is angry you have a girlfriend now." Mike said. Did Zoe see our kiss?

"Erica's not my girlfriend." I said, sounding unsure.


Mike tossed me a can of coke from the minibar and we decided to play some video games at the rec center. After a few hours I finished my dinner and went to sleep, next to Erica.

She's alive. That's all I care about.

Yay Erica's back! You probably expected it, I mean how could anyone let Erica just die like that? It's just wrong.

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