Chapter Eight: Painful Reality

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I was still drowning in my tears when I saw the man enter the room again. Only this time, he was accompanied by Joshua rather than a bunch of armed guards. Josh looked at me with his remaining eye, his arms and legs are now all bionic replacements, since he fell into the cenote in Mexico and off the Eiffel Tower not too long ago. But he still kept his sinister smile and inexplicable malice shown in his eyes.

Joshua looked down at me, "Oh don't cry Ben, it's only Erica. She wasn't of much importance anyways."

"...she was the only reason I carried on living and pushing through my problems."

"Well then that means I've done a great job at destroying you. Now you're weak and vulnerable, only knowing to grief over your dead girlfriend over here," he pointed at Erica's limp body.

I was speechless. I was consumed by darkness. Couldn't think straight. The only things on my mind were memories with Erica. I sensed a sudden shift of mood in the room when Catherine stood up. She was much stronger than me, if she was even affected by her daughter's death, she didn't show it at all.

Joshua hadn't expected it. With the speed of light Catherine whirled around and kicked Joshua in his stomach. The man who poisoned Erica seemed to be a bit stunned by this too, as he wasn't able to block Cyrus's punch straight to his face, sending him flying a few steps back. Within seconds, both Cyrus and Catherine were able to knock them out cold. They didn't seem fazed at all.

Not wanting to alert any other SPYDER agents, Catherine motioned me to follow her quietly. I did as she told, with Mike behind me and Cyrus at the back, carrying Erica's body. Her lips were white and her hands were cold, just like a zombie, I thought. We snuck through the empty hallways, and finally found a large enough vent to crawl in, to avoid bumping into the guards patrolling in the hallways.

I used a screwdriver from my utility belt to unscrew the vent grill and climbed inside. The vent was actually quite spacious, two people could crawl side by side with a bit more room to spare. We quietly made our way to an intersection. We could either go up, left or right. I looked over to Catherine for help.

"We dropped down to this place from above. We should go back up." She whispered, just enough for me to hear what she was saying.

So we went up, carefully shimmying up the vent. I was able to climb up first. The others pushed Erica up, for me to pull her out. After a few minutes we all reached the top of the vent.

We continued crawling through, taking a few twists and turns now and then. It seemed like the vents were never-ending. I was starting to question if we were ever going to get out alive. We were all tired, thirsty and in pain. So we decided to take a rest at another intersection.

Mike sighed, "I'm so hungry, I'd even die for the food at school." I nodded in agreement.

We tried to make up a plan on what to do after we get out, that is, if we even do get out. But we honestly couldn't think of anything. I'd expect a few guards waiting at the entrance where we came in from, or maybe even a bunch of them just waiting to kill us.

We sighed in defeat. At this moment we all felt so useless, with Erica's condition getting worse and us getting absolutely nowhere.

Just when we started back on our journey, we heard loud clanking sounds, almost like there's someone else in the vents, and it was getting closer...

#9 in CIA!! Thank you so much for reading this random book I thought this wouldn't even make it past 50 reads but we're at more than 200!

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