Chapter Four: Operation Raging Bull

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After a sleepless night, I felt groggy and tired in the morning. I couldn't even concentrate in class. I don't know if it's because of my lack of sleep or that I'm way too worried for my dear life.

I got to my Self Preservation class, where Mike and Zoe were both here. And I decided to break the news of our mission. I knew it was too much stress for both Erica and I. I desperately needed support from my friends.

They both seemed overjoyed that they get to go on another mission, but became significantly worried when I told them about Cyrus's death threat. We spent the whole day trying to work out how SPYDER had been able to put the bullet in Cyrus's cup of water and what their plans might be.

We all decided to get some rest at 7pm to prepare for our mission. But I forgot to set my alarm.

I woke up to a familiar sensation of someone's hand covering my mouth and their knees pinning my legs down. I first thought it was an attacker but soon realized it was only Erica after smelling the scent of lilacs and gunpowder. "Hey Erica," I said.

She released her hand and hissed, "You're late again. We're supposed to meet at grandpa's car for Operation Raging Bull."

"Sorry, I forgot to set an alarm." I said with embarrassment.

Erica scowled at me and told me to arrive at our meeting place in two minutes. Then she left my room to let me change.

After 1 minute and 54 seconds, I managed to arrive at Cyrus's black bulletproof SUV. Everyone was there and they all looked slightly annoyed that I'd been late.

Cyrus spoke up and said, "Now that everyone is here, I should be making it clear that we'll be driving to the CIA's secret airport and taking a private jet to Milan, Italy, where some of the SPYDER agents are confirmed to be hiding at."

Mike was surprised by how the CIA could afford a private jet rather than the crappy transportation we're all used to.

Cyrus explained, "Well, after the last plane had crashed in Mexico, the CIA figured a private jet would be a better idea."

"Alright kids no time to waste now!" a chirpy British voice called from the driver's seat. Catherine was our driver! We all went on the SUV, Mike and Zoe sitting next to each other, Erica and I on the opposite side and Cyrus riding in shotgun.

It was only a 30 minute drive to the CIA airport. We arrived even sooner than expected. It only took 22 minutes and 37 seconds.

When we saw the private jet, our jaws dropped in awe and amazement. The jet was huge and had 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. It also had a mini rec center with games and sports equipment. There were huge seats in the lounge area and they could transform into beds to accommodate more passengers. Even Erica seemed impressed the CIA managed to finally make good use of their money.

We boarded the plane and Erica sat next to me. After the plane took off, she fell asleep on my shoulder and I instantly blushed. I saw Zoe glowering at her with jealousy and Mike giving me a sheepish grin. It was going to be at least 10 hours till we arrive so I also drifted off to sleep.

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