Chapter One: Assignment

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CIA Academy of Espionage
Washington, DC
December 17
1436 hours

It was a regular school day. Just like any other. I had planned to go hang out with my friends Mike and Zoe after Professor Crandall's excruciatingly boring lesson, but then I got a text from Erica Hale.

Erica is the most beautiful girl I'd ever met. She has long raven hair and piercing ice blue eyes, and she's also a descendant of Nathan Hale, the person who created this very school we're all studying in right now! So there's no question that Erica is the smartest, strongest and best spy-in-training at the academy.

Although Erica is a very competent spy, she has always had a bit of a problem with human interactions. If you went to hug her as a greeting, her reflex actions would be to instantly flip you over and pin you to the ground. Some people say that Erica used to be normal before Joshua Hallal turned to the dark side and broke her heart, making her cold and distant. But knowing her for almost 2 years and having went on several missions with her, I know she has feelings and emotions, she just doesn't show them easily. She once kissed me during a mission in Vail when we thought a bomb would explode and end our lives. She justified it by saying she wanted to make my final moments memorable. (I mean who would believe her but I don't wanna get killed so we'll stick with it)

Erica had only given me her number strictly for communication on missions. If I hadn't existed, her contacts list would literally be: Cyrus Hale (her grandfather, an extremely competent spy) and Catherine Hale (her mother, also a very competent spy). However, Erica's father, Alexander, seems to be proof that talent sometimes skips a generation. He's not only a fraud and a liar, he's also a terrible spy, I'd say he's probably worse than me, which is really bad considering the rest of the Hales could fight five armed men at once.

But anyways, getting a text from Erica was still incredibly rare and I savored the moment for a split second before reading it. The text read "Get your lazy ass over to the principal's office. Now." I winced at the thought of possibly getting into trouble so I scrambled out my seat and darted out the classroom. If I didn't make it within a minute, Erica would probably kill me. And when Erica imposes a death threat, you bet she'd come murder you in your sleep the same night.

Using my gift for maths, I knew for a fact that I made my way to the principal's office within 47 seconds. After getting frisked by the security, I swung the door open and got a cheerful "Hello Benjamin," from Catherine. I was delighted to see her and for a second I thought it was some good news.

Boy was I wrong. If only I knew what was coming...

And that's the first chapter. Nothing much happening yet but let me know if you've enjoyed it and give some suggestions!

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