Chapter Ten: Moving On

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Erica is dead. And I know it. The only way to continue the mission is to forget about her and move on. I can't let the death of one person affect me from saving millions. I know Erica would want me to save them.

Cyrus, Catherine, Zoe, Mike and I didn't have any idea on what to do next. So I figured I'd mention something that was slightly bothering me,"When we were heading into the control room I saw three men staring at us weirdly, and I saw them again when we came out. And they took off in a hurry after seeing us enter our jet."

Cyrus had a sudden look of realization. "I think they might be SPDYER agents. Maybe they wanted to escape before we catch on to what's actually going on. That would explain their rush to take off. Good work, Ripley."

I felt honored to receive a rare compliment from Cyrus Hale. His compliments were even more valuable than Erica's. Getting a 'good job' from him is like getting thanked for saving the world.

So we immediately took off. The two Hales were using the radar to track down their plane. We were flying so fast, I wondered if we had hit plenty of birds at this speed. Soon, a jet came into view. From my tiny window, I instantly recognized the model and the numbers '29461' on the tail of the plane.

Once we've located it, we kept a good distance away from the plane to avoid suspicion. Then we followed it for what seemed like an eternity. It must have been at least 7 hours before we entered the United Arab Emirates. We approached Dubai and landed in a luxurious area full of mansions and next to a beach. I could see the Burj Khalifa in the distance, I think I would have enjoyed this as a vacation if we didn't have to save millions of people from death. But there was a more important question: What are we doing here in Dubai?

The men exited their jet and headed toward a well-known five star hotel. We left Erica in the jet and each grabbed a walkie-talkie. Then we followed them, pretending to be tourists, and were just within earshot to hear they were staying at the penthouse. Just before the men went into the elevator, Cyrus pretended to pick something up from the floor and managed to attach a bug onto one of the men's pant leg. Then we snuck out the luxurious hotel and went to a slightly cheaper one next to it for better radio connectivity, rather than staying in the jet and having constant trouble with signals.

We only booked one room with two beds and a couch. Zoe and Catherine shared one bed and I shared one with Mike. Cyrus opted for the couch. Everyone got about two hours of sleep before waking up to listen on the SPYDER agents' conversations.
We heard them talk about how much money they were going to make from the business, and how stupid the workers were to accept such little money as bribe.

I was confused by what they were talking about. I though they wanted to control the airplanes all over the world and blackmail the president for money, not doing some sort of business. I could see everyone else was also having a hard time understanding what's going on, so we recorded their conversation instead, to save it for later and also as evidence.

We spent the next day bored to death in the hotel room. We already had enough evidence. The only problem was that we couldn't understand it. And we couldn't do much about that. We tried to connect the dots but we literally couldn't find any connection between planes and bribing workers.

On our second day in Dubai, I received a strange noise on my walkie-talkie. It was like the noise of someone shuffling around. And then I heard a faint voice of a girl saying 'hello? help me.' in a weak voice. The only people on our radio frequency were Cyrus, Catherine, Mike, Zoe and I. Who could have interrupted our frequency? Then it suddenly dawned on me. My eyes widened in shock but quickly turned into happiness.

Can you guess who it is? Is it someone SPYDER kidnapped? Perhaps from the academy? Also #111 in spy!

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