Chapter Sixteen: Promise

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I'll be writing in POV because I think it's necessary for this chapter and the following one.

Ben's POV

Time was ticking down. There was about 7 minutes left. I felt my life coming to an end. I took a quick moment to remember all the people that cared for me and loved me.

Cyrus led us into the bedrooms and told us to get under the beds. Then I remembered something I saw for a fraction of a second on the way to the meeting room. There was a computer in the living room. I could override the command to stop everything.

I calculated my chances and the time I had left.

6 minutes.

I kissed Erica on the cheek and said my last words to her, "Erica, I love you. And loving you is a promise I'll never break. I'll see you somewhere only we know." Then I made a run for it. There's a chance I could save everyone else. I just need to reprogram the self destruction command.

I got to the computer and started frantically typing, my fingers dancing across the keyboard. I opened up the command and tried to override it. I tried one algorithm. Failed. Another algorithm. Another fail. I knew I couldn't do anything. There was only 2 minutes left. I tried some other programs in hopes of a miracle happening. But luck wasn't on my side.

When there was only 15 seconds left I ran to the game room and hid under the pool table, I also moved some furniture to surround myself. There was only 10 seconds left. I counted down the last moments of my life.



The only thing I remember was ringing in my ears and feeling a strong blast in my back.

I woke up from the explosion, feeling pain all over my body. I couldn't feel my left arm. I used my other arm to move a piece of wood off my legs. I was mostly fine except for a few cuts and my numb arm. The pool table and furniture must've somewhat shielded me from the blast.

The place was a mess, full of shards, rocks and debris. I had a suspicion that SPYDER was still watching us after the explosion, considering how devious their plans had always been, especially this time. So I wanted them to think I was dead. I carefully made my way to the ground and left what was once the five star hotel to the only place I could go. I really hope Erica knew where to find me.

Erica's POV

I woke up from the explosion. Grandpa, Mike, Zoe and Murray were all there. We were all safe since the bed protected us from the blast. Wait. Where's Ben?

I started looking for him. I found the computer he used to try and reprogram the bomb. The display was shattered and falling apart, half the keys on the keyboard were missing. I searched around the area for an hour and found nothing. Not even his body.

I felt tears starting to form in my eyes. I held back my tears, not wanting grandpa or the others to see my emotions. I returned back to them, and said in a cold voice, "I didn't find Ben's body. He must have been blown up by the bomb." It was really difficult to stop tears from escaping my eyes. I could see Zoe glancing at me, but unlike me, she was already bawling her eyes out.

The way back to the jet was quiet. Mainly because everyone had just survived an explosion and lost a friend, so they didn't have much to say, but also because they probably sensed that I was much colder and more tense than usual.

I locked myself in the bedroom. I needed some time to calm down. I didn't even get to say that I loved him. I got consumed in my thoughts and soon I drifted off to sleep, with tears still in my eyes.

Finally 2020! Happy New Year guysssss heres a chapter for yall btw gonna hit 1 k soon!!!

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