Chapter Fifteen: Death

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We got to their penthouse in about ten minutes. Cyrus and the others were already eavesdropping at their door and waiting for the right time to go in.

Erica and I decided to go in through the vent first, so we went one floor down and broke into one of the rooms. Thankfully, there wasn't anyone inside.
The vent was spacious and wide enough for us to crawl next to each other. So we climbed up the vent and headed towards the penthouse's vent system.

We reached one of the rooms next to Joshua's bedroom, which we assumed was a kind of meeting room where they discussed about their plans. We stayed quietly above the three men and two women in the room. One of them was Catherine. And I heard a small disappointed sigh from Erica. I also recognized one of the men. It was the guard we kidnapped for interrogation.

"Mr.E, the remotes for ignition will be ready tomorrow. If there aren't any problems, the nuclear bombs should be able to go off." Joshua said to the guy we kidnapped earlier.

What? That guard is the real Mr.E?! What about Ms.E? And nuclear bombs? Those will do huge amounts of damage!

Erica and I exchanged glances. Once again, I was starting to panic. If they plan on setting off nuclear bombs tomorrow, then we really have to figure this out soon, or else the whole continent could be wiped out.

I was so lost in my thoughts I accidentally mumbled something to myself, but in the quiet meeting room, it was clear as day that someone was in the vents. Joshua pulled out his gun and started shooting at us. Erica gave me an annoyed look but quickly punched off the vent grill and sprang into action.

Bullets were flying all over the place. I managed to tase Catherine and Joshua. They fell on the floor but I gave them some extra tases just to be sure. Erica knocked the other two people out but Mr.E already had his gun trained on her.

"Any of you move and she's dead." He taunted.

Mr.E motioned for me and Erica to stay in one corner. It was a bad time to ask questions, but I couldn't keep my mouth shut, "So you're the real Mr.E? Then who's that lady we thought was Ms.E?"

"Haha! You thought I'd really expose myself to all kinds of vulnerabilities like that? That woman was just my secretary. I left as soon as I heard you people coming in from the storeroom wall."

I was dumbfounded. The whole time we thought we'd captured the leader of SPYDER, they were still here plotting new evil schemes. But now that I looked closer, Mr.E actually has a gold tooth and one of his eyes are green, while the other is blue.

"Since we're not getting out of here alive anyways, what was actually your plot?"

"Well I suppose I could share a bit of my masterpiece," Mr.E started. "We never actually wanted to control the planes all over the world. That would be too risky. We'd become worldwide fugitives. Instead, we focused on the oil drilling business here in Dubai. We bribed the oil drillers to use nuclear bombs, which would greatly improve the efficiency and make us billionaires. Smart idea, huh?
Such a shame you couldn't thwart our plans this time.

It was oil drilling, just as I expected, "Are you sure we couldn't thwart your plans?"

"What do you-" Mr.E was cut off by a whack on the head from Cyrus. He seemed a bit surprised to find out Catherine was working with SPYDER, but he kept himself calm and collected, as usual.

Unfortunately, Mr.E didn't get knocked out. Instead, he scrambled for his gun and aimed it at me and Erica. This time, Cyrus couldn't do anything as his granddaughter's life was on the line.

"You idiots! This penthouse will self destruct in ten minutes. The bomb is right in the center of the living room. Good luck even getting out of here alive!" Mr.E flashed us an evil grin and ran out the door, locking it behind him, we were now left with a bunch of bodies on the ground and a ticking bomb.

It's getting near the end of the book! Not sure how this will end tho so stay tuned! Also 2020 is comingggg happy new year to all of you!

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