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After 2 weeks..

I kinda disappointed that Jiyong's ceo approved the news about jiyong and chaerin that everyone thinking they are in real relationship. Im disappointed on jiyong too that he didn't try to against it. I didn't meet jiyong for 2 weeks because he's busy and i heard he's on japan but I don't know when will he back home. He only message me that he's fine and let me know that don't forget to eat or anything. I suddenly got a message from unknown sender. I open the message.


??? : Y/n? can you come at YG entertainment? this is Jiyong's ceo. There's something important to tell you

What?? something important?? why i feeling something is bad will happen??


I finally arrived at YGENT. The security lead me to the CEO office, it was long ride for me and makes me suddenly feel tired. When i reach at the door of his ceo, I feel nervous and scared at the same time. Did his ceo know about us?? please i want something good happen. The security open the door for me and i went inside with my anxiety.

Y/n : um..hello? *bowed*

Ceo : Hello...im mr.y...have a sit

I try to sit and it's hard for me to make eye contact. He's too creepy for me.

Mr.y : I heard ji yong is your boyfriend *chuckles*

Y/n : Huh?? *shock*

Mr.y : Leave him

Y/n : What?? why you said like that?? he's the only family i have

I wanted to cry but i hold it.

Mr.y : you are his family?? you are his girlfriend!! *yell*

He yell and smacked the table that makes my eye widen more. Did he want to kicked jiyong?

Y/n : im sorry im sorry please please don't kicked him...i know it's wrong to broke the rules but please don't kick him...he loves his dream so much *beg*

Mr.y : I won't kick him but i want you to leave him


I can't hold my tears anymore.

Y/n : *sobs*

Mr.y : answer me!! you want me to kicked him?? you want me to ruined his life??

Y/n : Noo please don't do that *sobs*

I have to i have to

Mr.y : i will give you 2 days and after you two broke up i will give you $5000

Y/n : why don't you just approved us??

Mr.y : my daughter loves him, and i want them to be together that's why I approve the their dating scandal on that time...

I knew it! I knew it!

Mr.y : you may get out now

I wiped my tears and walked away. I have to leave jiyong but how?? I don't want ruined his dream...should i give up on him??

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