Family Feud

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"It's simple, it was a sign of affection."

"Yeah, I get that much. But is it platonic, familial, or romantic? That's the part I don't get. His hand and his mouth we're up there, so it could've been a head kiss or just a pat. But it was so gentle I couldn't tell what it was!" I'd waited for Laz to get up to ask him what he thought, but even with his romantic knowledge he still couldn't give me a clear answer.

"Well, truthfully I think he likes you. But he seems more like a shoot and scoot kinda guy, so that doesn't make a ton of sense. Like why be so kind and gentle if he's just looking to bag and tag? That's the part I'm stuck on. I think you'll just have to wait and see, or take the plunge and ask."

"He's definitely not a ram and scram kinda guy, but thank you anyway. I just wish I knew what he was thinking, you know? Like I kinda just wish I knew so I could stop caring." I got up and walked into the bathroom connected to our room to brush my teeth.

"Well, even if he doesn't, you've still got that Hawks guy."

I accidentally gagged myself at the mention of his name, and spit out the toothpaste in my mouth. "His name is Takami, and I'm not really sure about him. He seems nice, but mom told him to come to ask me out and he's also very aware of my power. I kinda feel like he's more in it for the money, fame, and children than he is for me. I mean he says I'm pretty all the time, but I don't think he knows who I really am. Like we text and stuff but every time we see each other it becomes like a business dinner. Like he's trying to seal the deal." I grabbed my mouthwash and got to gurgling.

"Alright, that's fair, but have you considered: maybe the guy's nervous around you? Like it's one thing to text someone and open up to them, but it's a whole other to see them and meet them face to face. You are pretty, and he even acknowledges that. He's probably just trying not to nut when you say his name. He also might be trying to put up a front in public. Like yeah, there's always private rooms, but he's still the number two hero. I'm sure he's trying his damnedest to keep your identity under wraps while making you happy. Maybe bring him home and give him clear boundaries before you count him out."

"I dunno dude, I'm just feeling a lot of feelings I think."

"Is hunger one of them? Because I could really fuckin eat right now."

We walked out and headed downstairs to order breakfast. I got two omelets and Laz got a steak and ton of eggs. Seriously, it was like ten eggs or something. Anyways, I'd finished my first one and was starting on my second when Aizawa came down and joined us. I had a bite in my mouth when his hand met my shoulder, making me inhale and start choking on my eggs. One time stop and some Heimlich from Lazarus later, and I was back to normal, just with a few fewer eggs in my body. After Shota's apologies, we headed back up to the room and packed while he ate.

The ride to the train station was fine, Lazarus talked about his licensing test and how great he was, made me take photos with him and tell him about my new warehouse in Naruhata, and talked about his new boyfriend and how they had four eyes and fangs and made him see God. After that horrifyingly detailed conversation, we thankfully made it to the station. We made our way over to the counter and gave them our hero licenses to ask for Hero Car tickets. Laz was given a Hero Car ticket as well but opted to chase after a girl with purple hair, leaving me all alone with Shota.

The start of the ride was fine. I ate and worked on emails that needed responses sooner instead of later, and Aizawa read the book he'd been working on during the test. Approximately halfway through the ride, he closed his book and turned to me. "Hey, did Sir ever tell you what roles we were playing on the mission?"

I kept my eyes on the laptop, "Yeah, we're gonna be married. That's the role they've been playing in the emails at least. A newlywed couple who eloped and are running away to Japan together."

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