Chapter 2

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Horsetail- an older brown tabby furred medicine cat with yellow eyes. 89 moons old.

Redflight- a ginger tabby furred tom with amber eyes. 16 moons.

Raspypaw- a lean ginger tabby furred tom with Amber eyes. His name was changed to Raspypaw for his raspy voice. 7 moons.


Tide- brown tom with black and grey stripes and amber eyes. 11 moons.

Lies- black furred she cat with white legs, paws and Crimson eyes. 24 moons.

Skorge- jet black furred tom with Crimson yellow. 13 moons.

Icy- white she cat with blue eyes. 15 moons.


Sarah- a Carmel brown she cat with a few lighter spots around her tail. 18 moons.

Jumper- a lean cream tom with long legs. 22 moons.

Happy- a small cream she cat with brown eyes. 7 moons.

Quinn- Happy's brother from a different litter. A tom with cream fur, a few black patches and almost black eye. 17 moons.

Sky- a dark gray/blue she cat with sky blue eyes. 12 moons old.

Em- black furred she cat with amber/brown eyes. 13 moons.


Tide spun around and slashed his claws at the attacker but they struck first on his cheek. The black Tom cat hit him again, and prepared to bite down. Ride ducked and rolled out of the way, unwilling to get involved.

"Get off of him!" Raspypaw demanded as he backed away. The attacker looked at him with his crimson yellow eyes than shook off his jet black pelt as he strut away.

"Get out of here kit, before I make you," the tom growled and Raspypaw ran away without hesitation, leaving Tide to fend for himself. The tom then turned her crimson eyes back to Tide and let out a growl and a snicker.

"You don't remember me, do you?" The cat questioned with a fury in his tone. Tide quickly got to his paws and looked him over.

"How would I know a street rat like you?" Tide snickered back with annoyance. He noticed the tom's scent was from the city, so he must've followed him.

"Back last Winter. You led the dogs right to us. My litter mates died because of you!" He screamed in fury. Tide just blinked and refocused his thoughts but remembered no such thing.

"I did not. Get out of here," Tide growled in annoyance but the black furred tom held his ground. After glancing closer, he did recognize the Tom. He felt memories come upon him, but no such guilt.

It was last Winter when Tide was very young. Tide had already been sent away by his own litter after their mother died in a fight with a dog. There was an alley in the city where young cats below 15 moons took haven and made their own gang of rogues. Tide at that time was looking to join one being only 7 moons. The groups would later leave the alley together when they turned 15 moons or they would disband.

When Tide came to the alley a bigger tom about fourteen moons escorted him in to the young cats that were in charged and that's where Tide's memories drifted off and he started laughing.

"What's so funny?" The black furred rogue raged but Tide just laughed.

"They weren't your litter mates they were filthy kits you decided to be apart of. And I did them all justice. All rogues know groups are forbidden," Tide snickered and started to stroll away.

"Maybe that should change! At least you wouldn't be suck a piece of dog-dung!" The rogue growled and Tide turned back back on him.

"How old are you anyway, 8 moons?" Tide snickered again with the tom burst forward and pinned him to the ground swiftly.

"13 moons. And I'm Skorge, not kit," he sneered placing his claws near Tide's throat.

"Stop," a raspy voice said from a few lengths away. "You can both live. You don't have to fight anymore!"

"What are you talking about?" Skorge questioned turning right into Raspypaw.

"Clans. I was from one. And Horsetail was from one! They'll fix rogue battles and hunger for good!" Raspypaw pleaded as Tide once again rose to his feet.

"And where is this clan?" Skorge asked curiously as Raspypaw took a step back.

"In the forest. Where there's more prey than you can count," Raspypaw replied and Skorge looked at him than at me.

"Is this true?"

"I don't know. I haven't seen it," Tide retorted calmly. Skorge sat and looked back at Raspypaw.

"I'm bringing my sister back along with other cats. And we're going to join this clan," Skorge decided as he started to stalk away. When Skorge was out of sight Tide started to walk away without a word to Raspypaw and he started to panic.

"Where are you going? I thought you would," Raspypaw stuttered until I cut him off.

"I don't know kit. It seems like your making this up. And I don't want to be apart of something with rogues like Skorge," Tide said before racing toward Skorge's scent which led back to the park. By the time Tide got back it was almost night and he shivered in an apprehensive state. He had to find shelter.

As he found his way to a Twoleg house he snuck into the fenced in grass and under their wooden platform where other old scents of cats had been and he dozed off with an empty stomach.

Instead of waking in the Twoleg's fenced in area he woke in a shimmery meadow that gleamed of many colors. He could tell it was not reality but a dream of some sort.

Instead of the usual dreams with dogs and other rogues chasing him, there was a beautiful she cat in the middle of the meadow. Her pelt was golden light the sun and her eyes were the purest blue Tide had ever seen. Tide parted his mouth to ask a question when the she cat cut him off with his answer.

"Sunlight. I'm Sunlight, leader of Lightclan. I have called you here because you are part of a prophecy," she explained calmly and Tide just blinked.

"What's Lightclan?" Tide asked as Sunlight walked toward him.

"It is the after-life for cats. It's where cats like you and I go when we die," she said and Tide narrowed his eyes in disbelief. He had never even told hat there was anything after death. He struggled to believe the she cat.

"If you are from Lightclan why did you come to me?" Tide asked still curious and knew not what to expect.

"You have a choice. You need to join the clan for many cats' futures lie in the balance. If not they will fall and rogues and kittypets will continue to live lives without purpose," Sunlight declared as she began to become blur. Tide just sat in a daze when he woke with a jump. From that moment out, Tide was unsure of what he was going doing.

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