Chapter 35

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Leader: Redstar- a dark red tabby tom with amber eyes.

Deputy: Spiderfang- jet black furred tom with Crimson yellow eyes.

Medicine cat:
Horsetail- an older brown furred medicine cat with yellow eyes.


Smoketalon- dark gray tabby tom with blue eyes but lighter paws.

Jaggedclaw- tan furred tom with jagged stripes down his pelt and green eyes.

Spottedpelt- gray savannah tom with darker stripes and silver eyes.

Raspyhowl- a lean red tom with amber eyes.

Swiftfawn- a caramel brown she cat with a few lighter spots around her tail.

Feathershade- black furred she cat with brown/amber eyes.

Coldstar- black furred she cat with white legs, paws and Crimson eyes. Leader of Caveclan.

Cinderstorm- a gray long furred tom with blue eyes. Deputy of Caveclan.

Darktide- brown tom with black and grey stripes and amber eyes.

Frostycloud- pure white she cat with bright blue eyes.

Dapplestone- a tortoiseshell she cat with green eyes

Shymask- pumpkin peach furred she cat with a few pastel patches and a ring around one paw. She has amber eyes.


Flamepaw- red and golden furred she cat with golden flecks, brown eyes and a nicked ear. Mentor: Spiderfang

Sparrowpaw- cream she cat with brown and red flecks. She has brown eyes but her left eye is blind. Mentors: Smoketalon and Horsetail

Wolfpaw- a gray tabby tom with Amber eyes and long ears. Mentor: Feathershade

Shiftpaw- a thick furred wild cat Tom. He has Amber eyes and is very large. Mentor: Jaggedclaw


Icywind- white furred she cat with blue eyes. Kits: Ashkit (Tom), Bonekit (tom), Echokit (she cat), Vicekit (Tom), and Tearkit (she cat).

Blitzkit- a cream and golden Bengal furred she cat with Amber eyes. 4 moons.

Thornkit- a gray tabby she cat with electric blue eyes. 4 moons.

Tallkit- a white Tom with black patched fur and brown eyes. He he very tall and lean. 4 moons.

Silverkit- a sliver furred she cat with white patches and blue eyes. 4 moons.

Palekit- a cream furred she cat with brown tipped ears and tail. She has blue eyes. 4 moons.

Tinykit- a tiny black furred she cat with emerald green eyes. 4 moons.

Riverkit- gray-blue furred she kit with white tipped paws and tail. She has green eyes. 5 moons old.

Bushkit- large gray tabby Tom with dark green eyes. 4 moons old.

Earthkit- a dark brown furred she cat with lighter stripes and fierce green eyes. 4 moons.

Sunkit- small yellow long furred tom with bright amber eyes. 5 moons.

Flinkit- a cream Tom with ginger ears and paws. He has gray eyes. 4 moons.

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