
420 38 34

Here are those who have participated...

Darktide- ScarletSage

Coldstar and Jaybird- XxTheRandomKatxX

Spiderstar- Thegentleman06

Icywind- _Russia_

Feathershade- Endermee

Skystar, Rainpool, and Shadow- TheShadeMaple

Voidstar and Zodiacpaw- MysteryHarp

Vulturestar, Dapplestone, Thunderstar, Aspenfur, Bluewisp and Bushwind- CeRosette

Frostycloud- Frostycloud

Shymask and Darkomen- GamerGirl13x

Lostpath- Coldfrost

Smoketalon- Chromeflame

Jaggedclaw, Rivertail, and Willowbreeze- Guild_Writer

Sparrowfeather, Flamespirit, and Tinyfear- cocowolf12

Spottedpelt- JinxTheRogue

Bubblefur- Irishcah

Nightjet- i_heart_music101

Blitzfire- Goldstar212

Silvershell and Foxheart- Wolfishthoughts

Fierceclaw, Hailkit- countrycow22

Hollyfall- -_-capahchinuh-_-

Echokit- sunstarrules

Shiftclaw and Vicekit-Roaring_Aragami

Firekit and Tearkit- foreverginger_14

Olivekit- Stephanie5717

Earthstripe- MidnightMoon1323

Suntail and Robinkit- Graceymc96

Shadowstar- Puh-leaze

Rustkit- StarWarsHaloFanFic

Rosejay and Timberfall- MotherxofxFandoms

Ivysong- Ivystar138

Puddlepaw- Snowythewolf445

Leopardpaw- Itroy1190

Beestorm and Cloudfire- TuftyKat

Sootfall- Scorchwing

Stormchaser- Katlin_WC

Oceanpaw and Poisonberry- TOTES-RANDOM4

Winterkit- Mel_Cookiex

Brinefur and Cherrykit- wordweaver18

Cedarlily- thankyou_not

Moonbliss- NightmareDoge

Airflight- KelvinClark

Dragonstone, Llewyn, Sharpkit- XandarianLord

Tangledkit- WhisperingWerewolf

Ashkit- CinderStarleader

Sweetbreeze, Silverfeather, and Blackkit- X_Silverfeather_X

Mistypaw and Steelkit- WildUntillTheEnd

Blackfire- SeasonSnow

Flarekit- Pikochu

Lightpaw and Burrclaw- Numies_Yum_Numies

Finchkit and Maplewood- Common_Conspiracy

Otterpaw- LizBot2

Dawnkit and Lightningpaw- TheIceWarrior

Toadkit- Wolfyfang

Dustystripe- Yamaraj

Hiddencreek- cool-of-shades

Moondust- beautifully-awkward

Marshpaw- wolf652

Hawk- desadar

Morningpoppy, Tawnykit and Hollowkit- LeAsheh227

Blazekit- LunaPup365

Nightkit- Wolfsprite7263

I love you all and the wonderful fans and cats that you are. For those cats that survived, you will be in Your legacy so stay tuned.

Your Legacy will start off 3 moons from the battle so, she cats, let me know if you got together with a Tom. I will try to approach you directly, if I really want you to be with someone.

About 20/60 of you read the whole story according to my observation of chapter comments and votes. So let's hope the 40 that didn't, someday do.

Again, thank you!
- EpicCroft

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