Chapter 7

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Clan Cats-

Medicine cat:
Horsetail- an older brown tabby fur Tom with yellow eyes. He's a medicine cat. 90 moons old.


Redflight- a ginger tabby furred tom with amber eyes. 17 moons.

Dapplestone- a tortoiseshell she cat with green eyes. 17 moons.

Frostycloud- a pure white she cats with blue eyes. 23 moons.


Raspypaw- a lean ginger tabby furred tom with Amber eyes. 8 moons.

Darkpaw- brown tom with black and grey stripes and amber eyes. 12 moons.

Coldpaw- black furred she cat with white legs, paws and Crimson eyes. 26 moons.

Spiderpaw- jet black furred tom with Crimson yellow. 14 moons.

Icypaw- white furred she cat with blue eyes. 16 moons.

Vulturepaw- a gray tom with black stripes and yellow eyes. 7 moons.

Swiftpaw- a caramel brown she cat with a few lighter spots around her tail. 19 moons.

Leapingpaw- a lean cream tom with long legs. 23 moons.

Softpaw- a small cream she cat with brown eyes. 8 moons.

Patchedpaw- A tom with cream fur, a few black patches and almost black eye. 18 moons.

Nightpaw- a dark black she cat with a dark stripe down her back. She has blue eyes. 13 moons.

Featherpaw- black furred she cat with brown/amber eyes. 14 moons.

Voidpaw- small black furred she cat with yellow eyes. 7 moons.

Cinderpaw- a gray long furred tom with blue eyes. 20 moons.


Nightpaw didn't remember the trip back to camp or if she even had a dream. Waking up she heard a daze of voices discussing how Dapplestone and Frostycloud went hunting and would soon be back with breakfast.

"Sk-Nightpaw, are you awake?" Featherpaw asked with a whisper and Nightpaw rose her head an nodded.

"Sure, I'm still exhausted though. Yesterday was," Nightpaw began quietly before Featherpaw caught her off.

"Tough! But at the same time it was so much fun!" Featherpaw smiled thinking about the promises the strange Sunlight cat made to her and the ceremony of changing names. Even all the new cats was so overwhelming.

"That's good. What did you see in the cave?" Nightpaw asked with a hint of sourness. She felt separated and awkward being left out of that then being called out by Horsetail for no believing.

"Sky.. I mean... Nightpaw! You can't feel down because all the cat said was some weird leadership prophecy stuff that doesn't mean anything for sure. And if we work hard enough I guarantee we'll be strong enough to become the best warriors. Raspypaw told me this morning that we're already old enough," Featherpaw went on with such excitement she had never felt before. To Nightpaw, she almost seemed like a new cat.

"Can you introduce me to the others? I didn't get to talk to them as much as you did," Nightpaw asked and Featherpaw nodded with ease and lead her out of the hollow hole made of sticks and out into the meadow called camp. The "dens" as Featherpaw called them were big and dug partially into the ground and built with coverings of thick cedar branches that kept the weather from bothering the cats.

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