Part 24:Staring and Coffee

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I stirred awake after hearing my damned alarm going off in the distance. Where is my fucking phone? I groggily got up, rubbing the sleep that had formed out of my eyes as I looked for it. I found it on my desk, shutting the alarm off and looking at the time.

"5:00," I mumbled to myself, looking at a reminder I had set on my phone. It read, 'Fight with Ander..yay..' I should have taken that stupid 'yay' off when I made it. I sighed of deep regret, I still felt hella nervous. My mind knew this had to be done, but past memories played out in my mind as I tried to calm myself down which didn't help at all. "I need some fucking coffee..."

Then, another thing had hit me, Flame is sick so I can't just leave without one of the members noticing and asking me how I was doing. I hate lying to the actual decent ones(those Teirs not so much...) but it has to be done to protect them. I looked down at my phone, I unlocked it and saw a picture I took of Sans and I. Seeing it made me smile.


"Yo, it's Sans," I heard after a knocking sound was made. I got up from my desk and opened it, letting him in.

"Who else would it be?" I mumbled as he walked past me before I shut the door. I heard him chuckle quietly from hearing my small comment.

"It could have been anyone, King Fluffy-Butt, coulda been coming to check in on your livin'," he shrugged, plopping down onto my bed and taking his fedora off.

"Oh please, I only see him when I have too. I try to keep to myself ya know," I told him more flatly than I originally desired. Another thing I have to work on: tone of voice...

"I was just messin' kid," he sounded hurt in a way before brushing it off. "So, how ya feeling?" I figured he meant the whole Ander situation at dinner with his little crew a few days ago. I slumped into my little swivel chair, spinning myself in a half circle.

"Still nervous.." I had put his number into my phone and texted him telling him who it was, using my mothers name felt wrong. I didn't wanna hear him say her name, it poisoned it's loveliness.

"Ya know, I'm surpised Undyne didn't question you using a different name at the dinner," I thought back. Yes, to just them I said my true name; but lied to Ander saying my mother's name. I do wonder why they never questioned it.

"How did ya know I was thinking about that, can ya read my mind now?" I put a finger to my head to only hear a chuckle emerge from him.

"Not quite, your face said it all," he smiled, I groaned in response. "You really need to work on that ya know," he added which in resulted in me flipping him off. He just laughed at my response, making me smile. It's been a while since I felt happy with another person, I pulled my phone out of my pocket.

"Can I take a pic of us?" I asked, regretting how I worded it. It sounded strange to me, which earned a confusing look from the skeleton sitting on my bed.

"Why, couldn't ya get caught like that?" I walked over and sat beside him.

"It's not like anyone gets in my phone anyways," I shrugged, he agreed after a few moments of thinking it over. We took a few, my favorite being one with us making stupid faces.

~Current Time~

I giggled to myself looking, at us making the stupid faces. I had a cross eyes look while Sans had his blue tongue sticking out(which shocked me at first) and his eye whites doing the same as mine. Around 5:39, I heard a knock at my door followed by Sans saying it was him. I made a small 'come in' after he verified himself by saying his name.

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