Richie's Guitar Pt. 4

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When Eddie woke to the rattle of his alarm, he felt the noise echoing inside his body. Richie was still in his bed, lying beside him, and he needed to get out quickly. Richie groaned as the alarm disturbed him, and as his eyes stickily opened, Eddie noticed a moment of confusion before he remembered where he was.

'Morning,' Eddie squeaked.

'Shit,' Richie muttered.

'Eddie!' Sonia Kaspbrak called from the other end of the hall. 'Are you up, sweetheart?'

Eddie called back tremulously, scrambling out of bed, 'Yeah, yeah, I'm up.'

'What do I do?' Richie whispered.

Sonia boomed again, 'Do you want to shower first?'

'Uh, yeah,' Eddie responded, then hissed at Richie, 'Get dressed. When she's in the bathroom we can sneak you out the front door.'

Richie nodded and climbed out of the bed, reaching for his clothes. By the time he turned around, Eddie had vanished into the hallway, and he instantly started to panic. The only comfort was knowing that his own parents would have left the house so early for work that they wouldn't notice Richie hadn't spent the night there.

'Do you have any laundry?' Sonia called, and Richie's stomach dropped.

'No!' Eddie cried desperately from the bathroom.

'I'll just go and check,' Sonia insisted, and Richie heard her elephant feet thudding menacingly along the corridor.

Out of options, Richie darted for the window, hauled it open, and gripped onto the branches of the tree. He prayed his sweating palms would not weaken his grip as he let his feet slip from the window sill. Through the pane, he watched Sonia open the bedroom door. If she turned, she would see him dangling there.

As fast as he could manage, he inched along the branch to the tree trunk, and hastily descended, hoping that he hadn't been spotted. His feet squished into the grass and his body quivered with adrenaline. He dusted his hands on his jeans and considered bolting but then, with a smirk, he leaned himself up against the brickwork and waited.

When Eddie came out of the bathroom, after what might have been the briefest shower of his life, he darted back into his bedroom and was stunned to find Richie gone, after peering into his wardrobe and under his bed. Hastily, he dressed, wondering where else in his house Richie might be.

The doorbell rang. Eddie pelted downstairs calling, 'I'll answer it, mom.' He swung open the door.

'Morning, Eds,' Richie grinned. 'Ready to go?'

Relief swathed through Eddie as Sonia reappeared at the top of the stairs. 'Good morning, Richie,' she said through pursed lips. She'd hoped that her son would have grown out of Richie by now, but as the years had gone by they'd only grown closer, much to her chagrin.

'Not ready just yet,' Eddie said carefully, opening the door for him. 'Do you want toast?'

After they ate and Eddie's hair began to air-dry, they slipped out of the house. Eddie grabbed his bike and walked it the distance to Richie's house so that Richie could grab his own vehicle.

'Why the fuck wouldn't you just let her shower first and get me out of there?' Richie chided as they mounted.

Eddie pulled a face, 'Would you want to use a shower straight after my mom?'

'I often shower with your mom. It's one of her favourite spots.'

'You're the worst,' Eddie said. 'Smooth going, though. Getting out.'

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