Richie's Guitar Pt. 17

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sorry for putting yall through this, this is the final chapter :)


Richie flopped onto the duvet with an exaggerated sigh. Without question, Eddie flopped on top of him.

'Asshole,' Richie wheezed, winded.

Eddie craned his neck to try and see Richie's face. 'You're all blurry from this angle.'

'Maybe you just need glasses like me,' Richie said, pulling off his own and rubbing at the corner of his eyes.

Toying with the arms of the spectacles for a moment, Eddie hesitated, then slipped Richie's glasses onto his face. He reeled, eyes squinting. 'Jesus. I forget how shit your vision actually is.' The world swam beyond the lenses, and his head ached trying to process it.

'Aw, thanks,' Richie said sarcastically. He stared up at the blank ceiling, trying to focus on it, but he couldn't.

Eddie took Richie's glasses off and slid them back onto Richie's nose. Then he sat up, just enough that he and Richie could see each other in wonderful clarity. 'Rich?'

'Yeah?' He brought his hands up to stroke Eddie's back.

'If you could, would you change anything?' Eddie asked, a glint in his eyes. 'About us I mean. How we got here.'

Richie seemed surprised at the question. 'No,' was his answer.

'Really?' Eddie pressed. 'Not anything?'

'No,' Richie insisted, sitting up himself and tightening his grip on Eddie's body, 'because somehow, it's all worked out. We made it. We're here, now, exactly where we're fucking supposed to be and we are so, so good. If this is how long it's taken, then that's fine. That's fine because we have now, and we have however long after now.'

Smiling, Eddie kissed him. 'We are pretty fucking good, aren't we?'

Richie bit his lip and nodded.

Lowering his voice to a whisper, Eddie promised, 'And I'm gonna make you feel pretty fucking good later too.'

Growling, Richie rocked his hips against Eddie's. 'Oh yeah? Is that a guarantee?'

Traipsing kisses up Richie's throat, Eddie murmured, 'Do you need more convincing?'

Richie's hands slid downwards over the seat of Eddie's jeans. 'Maybe,' he uttered gutturally, escaping Eddie's lips for long enough to lock his gaze. The leviathan shifted in his eyes, mysterious and misunderstood. Quietly, he asked, 'Are you saying you'd change things?'

With a peaceful smile, Eddie shook his head. 'I guess I'm just thinking about that conversation we had the night we got back together.'

Tutting, Richie said, 'That was three months ago. You might have to remind me.'

Gently, Eddie explained, 'You know, where we talked about all the other versions of us that might be out there. I'm just wondering how many of them are here where we are now, or if we're the only ones.'

'I hope we aren't,' Richie blurted honestly.

'Oh God, me too,' Eddie assured. 'It's just, do you remember saying that you wanted there to be versions of us that are happy?'

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