power outage & the pavlov effect

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this one confused tf outta me, but the ending was cute, so yeah.
got it from ao3 by Lil_Lizard_Leah


"If you ever listened to me and actually cleaned your fucking room, we wouldn't be in this- OW!"

There was a loud clatter as Eddie stumbled over a pile of clothes and fell chest first into Richie's dresser.

"Even if I cleaned my room, that still wouldn't mean we'd find anything-"

"Everything should have its place!" Eddie interrupted sternly.

"Not everyone is as neurotic as you, Eds." Richie rolled his eyes, a gesture gone unnoticed in the darkness of his dorm room.

The power had gone out minutes ago while the two were in the middle of a Minecraft hunger games. Eddie had immediately switched into survival mode and began rummaging around Richie's tiny room for a flashlight, even though Richie had insisted he didn't own one.

Eddie kept his hands on the dresser after righting himself again, using it to feel his way back to Richie's bed. He felt the soft cotton graze his leg and sunk down next to Richie with a sigh of defeat.

"Do you at least have any power on your phone?" Eddie asked, pulling his own phone out of his pocket to check.

He felt Richie rustle beside him and heard the telltale click of a button, but no light illuminated the space.

"Nope, dead as a doorknob." Richie responded, chucking his phone in the direction of his nightstand. A thud announced that it hit the floor instead.

"Why do they say that anyway? Dead as a doorknob? I mean, it doesn't make any sense. Something can't be dead if it was never alive, right? Unless dead is just a synonym for inanimate, in which case, are dead people just inanimate ob-"

Eddie tuned him out as Richie continued to ramble. His own phone reflected back at him with only 12% battery. He cursed himself for being too distracted by video games to plug in his phone when he'd needed to. He quickly switched his phone to power saving mode and tucked it away. When he zoned back in, Richie was still ranting.

"- and in that case, does it hurt when we use them? Like, when we squeeze a doorknob, are we actually squeezing its nose?"

Eddie blinked back at Richie's vague outline with incredulity, before his sigh dissolved into giggles.

"You totally just ripped off Alice in Wonderland."

"What? No I didn't?" Richie defended confidently.

"You're thinking of that scene at the beginning of the movie where Alice finds a talking door and she squeezes it's knob-nose."

Richie was silent for a moment.

"Whatever, Walt Disney can suck my dick."

The pair laughed for a bit before settling into silence, which was particularly deafening during a blackout. The only sound that could be heard were the passing cars outside the dorm, and the slow drip of the faucet in Richie's bathroom that he'd been refusing to fix for three months now.

Richie's leg began bouncing anxiously, the complete lack of stimulation already eating away at his nerves.

"This suuuuuccckkssss." Richie whined.

"Hey, at least you're not alone." Eddie offered.

"It'd be better if I was alone!"

"Okay, Ouch."

"Then I could just beat my meat until the power came back."

"Ugh, Rich-"

"But now I'm just bored."

Reddie OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now