drunk eddie 💖

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found this one on ao3, by punkpasta
its short but its cute so idk imma just leave it here


Eddie was wasted. It wasn't subtle, either, because Richie was pretty much carrying him down the stairs. Beverly and Ben had settled into the middle of the couch, passing a bottle between them to refill the cups they'd stolen from Bill's kitchen. Bill himself was nowhere to be found, most likely upstairs with Stan and Mike.

"Whos the fucking... bag of potatoes?" Ben mumbled

"Excuse me?" Beverly's drunkenness had several levels, and she was firmly set in the giggly level. By the end of the bottle, she'd be either asleep on Ben or crying on him.

"Shut up, dink." Richie yelled over Eddie's slumped shoulder. The smaller boy was almost delirious, trying to keep himself upright while also trying to plant a kiss somewhere on Richie's face.

"Okay, baby boy." Richie set Eddie down on the carpet, leaning him gently against the couch. Richie plonked himself behind Eddie on the edge of the couch next to Beverly, who had snuggled herself into Ben's upper arm and fallen asleep. Ben was focused on making sure her head was tilted so she could breathe.

Eddie was somehow still conscious despite the half liter of orange soda and tequila sitting in his diminutive body. He had wriggled himself around and grabbed Richie's jeans.

"Riiiiiichiiiieeee!" Eddie was trying to haul himself up using Richie's clothes.

"What do you need, baby boy?"

"Come heeeere." Eddie whined. He had made his way halfway up the couch, with both fists tangled in the bottom of Richie's shirt. "I wanna kiss. Lemme in your lap." Eddie was red faced and kind of adorable.

"You can come up on the couch if you promise not to blow chunks on it."

"Proooomiiiise!" Eddie trilled. Richie hauled the other boy onto the couch and let him flop onto his lap.

"What are you doing?" Richie tried to look at Eddie, whose head was smushed into his collarbone. He'd shoved both hands under Richie's shirt and was grabbing at his belt.

"I wanna... I wanna do kissing... please?" Eddie was completely stumped by Richie's belt and had resigned himself to hooking his fingers in the belt loops and tugging.

"Richie, can you like, get a grip? Or something?" Ben was frowning at them from underneath Beverly, looking a bit ready to go to sleep himself.

"Yeah, yeah, I got it, I'm doing it. Baby boy, you're trashed. We are not doing kissing. Or whatever you were planning to do once you figured out how my pants work."

"But I wanna. What's the point of being boyfriends if we can't do kissing?" Eddie frowned at Richie's chin.

"We can do whatever you want in the morning. Come on. Its bedtime for Ed-heads."

"Ooooooooh. The beeeeed." Eddie did his best impression of a sexy voice, but ended up slurring the words together. Richie sighed and stood up, letting Eddie flop over. Eddie grumbled into the cushion. Richie scooped his arms under Eddie, lifting him over his shoulders and carrying him to the pile of blankets and the oversized bean bag chair in the corner. Eddie was unceremoniously dumped into the pile. He snuggled into the blankets and reached his arms out to the other boy.



"Come in the blankets with me."

Richie lifted the blanket and set himself next to Eddie. Eddie looked less horny and more sleepy. Richie helped Eddie tuck himself in and rested his head back on the beanbag. Eddie was asleep now, making soft snuffling sounds and looking like he might cry every time Richie tried to stand up.

"Riiiiiiih... m sleeeee. Come."

"Shh." Richie wrapped one arm around Eddie. He'd managed to tangle himself in three blankets and Richie's legs. Richie smiled into Eddie's mussed hair. Usually he wouldn't get this drunk, and Richie knew he'd have to take care of Eddie the next morning. Slutty drunk Eds was flattering, he thought, but his favorite was sleepy Eddie. Richie talked a big game about his dick- maybe too big- but the truth was that the best thing about his boy were the quiet moments. The soft moments, when they fell asleep together or cuddled after sex or just existed in the same space, near each other.

Eddie's eyelashes cast gentle shadows on his face. Richie could hear Bill's house settling over them. Richie closed his eyes and let the drinks from earlier lull him into sleep.

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