father sun x father moon

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We are in he's 'room' and there's a thing that talks about him so I talk whit him. Father sun just stares at me like if I did something wrong "uhh" I say then he gives a dirty smile as he walks to me I fall it didn't hurt at all but .... father sun got on he's knees and opened my legs I softly moan "s-stop "
He doesn't respond he only takes my sky blue pants and looks down SHIT!!! I have a boner!! "Aww" he says " I can help you my dear "my face is pink (he's has white so it makes it soft pink) he takes off he's pants and boxers...wow he's cock is massive compare to mines were the same age but I'm small he puts on one of he's finger in my mouth "open..." He says I quickly open my mouth

Next part --->

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