nurse g0zbert

90 2 0

3 mins
Lucy p o v
Felipe send us to emmy because I was bleeding and su tart was bleeding too when we entered Emmy was dressing as a Nurse " hi Emmy ! " Su tart said"SIT . " Emmy said
I quickly sat down "fighting . . . Again ? " She asked " yeah . . . . " I said
She puts a bandage on my face " ow . . ." I said "are you ok ?" She asked
" OWW" su tart said as Emmy put on bandeges on his hands

5 min later
Albert p o v
I was sitting on the couch until I got a phone call "hello who's this?" I said "Hi son !" My dad said"oh hey dad . . ." I said "how are you?" My dad said"good" I said "just telling you I and your mother are visiting you in 11 days ! " My dad happyly said "oh . . ." I said "something's wrong ? " My dad said "no I'm fine ! " I Said

Now what
What do I do ?
They don't know I'm gay
. . . I need to tell g0z . . . .

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