Happy 11th birthday! g0zbert(3 days)

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g0z p o v
"Aw man we wish we could be there:O(" said z00zy "nah that's ok "I said"tell her that I say happy birthday" said z00zy"I will" I said"when Will you guys come to The circus we miss you guys:O(" Said z00zy"I think in a month" I said unsure"ok . . . By The way how old is she ?" z00zy asked"she's 11" I said "wow . . .the last time I saw her she was 6 . . . Time flys fast" z00zy said"sure it does" I said "how's father sun and father moon?"  z00zy asked"they're happyly married and have a daughter" I said . I heard a gasp from the other side of the phone"OMG who old is they're daughter" z00zy said"she's 13" I said
"How old is Felipe and su tart" z00zy asked"14 and 15" I said "I have to go bye g0z! "Said z00zy "bye . ." I said
I came back to the party  "hi dad!" Said Emmy"hi Emmy , Happy birthday " I said she sweetly smiles at me"come on let's eat some cake! "She said . . . .
Happy birthday my princess :O)

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