clown kids lol

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G0zbert is here it's the baby the girl behind her is my ship father sun x father moon he is fanmade  I drew that ok?

Father sun P O V
I was takeing care of the baby(g0zbert) she was sleeping until ...."LET ME SHOW YOU THE WORLD" it was felipe Uhg that kid "why . . ." That was su tart a very calm but funny kid "hi Mom!" And that was my daughter Lucy she is very funny and shy "Waaaaaa!!" It was g0zbert she was crying in my arms "look what you did!!!" I said felipe stared crying he has sensitive ears "mom can i-i carry her?" Lucy said "sure..."I said in a dark tone I walked closer to the scared crying felipe "look felipe I'm sorry, I know you want to be funny but your sister was sleeping "it's ok..." I hugged him . . . "Ow!" Su tart said "su tart what's wrong!?-"I looked at su tart he was holding he's eye I walked to su tart "su tart let me see your eye" "No! You will yell again!" "Please I won't yell" I said in a soft tone he slowly moved he's hand . He had a scar it's new because I can see the blood "how did it happen!?" I said now lucy,felipe and g0zbert noticed "OH MY FATHER SUN! :o• " felipe said lucy jumped out of the window and stared yelling "SU TART IS HURT!!!" g0zbert was crying like crazy

1 hours later

Father's moon P o v

Su tart was healed and felipe calmed down because g0zbert stopped crying like crazy I wonder where's Lucy?...
"wHaT dO yOu MeAn By My sOn BeInG hUrT!?" It was Albert . . .
To be continued

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