my story

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So uh thank you! Thanks for the followers I'll just say my story!! May # 2008 a baby girl is born to a Mexican family (that's me)  I don't remember much but of my life as a baby but when I was five I had my first best friend I not saying her name but she always made me happy she was almost like a sister
some years later I moved to texas . I lived with my aunt  for a while . My first school
My first day at school was at the star test so I was very confused since in Mexico we didn't had that  so I failed the test next year (the same school) the first day of school I met my BF and there were 3 girls who always watched us.  My second  I got bullied! I didn't speak English back then but know I can!
They're always said rude stuff about me
So yeah let's move on. Third school ! Nobody
Is bullying me! I have one friend! I miss my two teachers:(
So yeah that's kinda my full story

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