hello father moon

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Z00ZY and  I are dating  for 3 years  now.i was smoking then i heard my lovers voice "Babeeeeee!" "Yes" i said whit a smile  "can you kiss me?"
"Ok" i kiss Z00ZY slowly
Z00ZY moans softly  " father moon!" Said father sun "Hello" says a girly voice he sounds  like girl but looks like a boy he a wears blue t-shirt and short pants .he looks like he's 21 And why are they  holding hands??? "M-my name is fa-father moon but  you can call me m-moon"
He says.he is so shy that he's face turns soft pink as he speaks
"Well nice to meet you, my name is Z00ZY and this is my friend yuck0" I hate it when he calls me friend he knows I am he's lover "now you can leave:o)"
"Bye!!" We both say

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