
68 3 0

(bad words)

Felipe p o v
"Guys ! . . ." I said "SHUT UP  IDIOT" Lucy said"BITCH" su tart yelled
"EXCUSE ME ASSHOLE !?" Lucy yelled
"You heard me !" Su tart looked at her
"Guys!" I got in the way "felipe get out of the way " said Lucy "NO you guys need to stop "  I  said Whit baby blue tears in my eyes my brown eyes were shining "OUT OF THE WAY"yelled su tart  "NO" I said "MOVE ." Lucy pushed me su tart and  Lucy were punching each other .

2 min later
Felipe P o v
I looked at the hand bloody su tart he was wining . I jumped on him "WTF" he Said Lucy looked at me whit her good eye. "Please stop ." I said

Please stop , brother

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