A hurted Angel(222)

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~Next day~
Emmy P o v
"Emmy . . . sweetie wake up" my Mom said"huh? . .mom ? What time is it?" I asked "it's first day of school" mom said"oh yay!!" I said"go change to your uniform while go do something" My mom said

Emmy  p o v
As walked through the hallway looking down"WHERE ARE YOU GOING BITCH!?" Samantha ice yelled trying to get my attention I didn't stopped"JACOB!!"do something!" She as Jacob grabbed me by the hair"AAAH!" I screamed for help"SHUT UP BITCH" she said as Jacob punched me "Yummy cut her " she said"yay fanally I get to play whit my New toy" she said as  she walked whit a knife "AHHHH" I screamed as I felt the knife cutted me

Emmy p o v
As I maked my way out of the school
"Hey em-" Lucy looked at me her yellow eye shined "who did this" lucy asked"Samantha ice and her friends" I said "OH . ." She said angrily "stay here I'll be back"she said i she entered
The school I could hear people screaming . I sat on bench waiting for Lucy. I saw Lucy leaved the school full of blood"lu-" I didn't finish"don't ask let's go" Lucy said as we leaved

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