Meeting (107)

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g0z p o v
"Lucy don't throw off emmy of the bridge !" I said "sorry g0z .  " Said Lucy
"That's fine just don't do it again" I said "  g0z!?" I heard a familiar voice"z00zy!!!!!" I said"REEEEEE so good to see you!!!" z00zy said"ngh . . Hi g0z" yuck0 said as he looked away
"hi yuck0" lucy said"sup, kiddo" yuck0 said"oh--oh h--hi" emmy said"Awwwww hiiiii is this your daughter??" z00zy asked"yes come here emmy" I said Emmy came closer. "hi . ." Emmy said"Awww your so cute!!" z00zy "thank you. . ." Emmy said z00zy hugged emmy and Emmy hugged back

That's cute . . very cute

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