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Albert was sleeping when he heard he's son's voice "daddy?" When he open he's eyes he saw he's youngest son Felipe "yes?" Albert asked "it's 4pm " Felipe said "oh.." "big bro made you food" "ok " then su tart comes in "uhh hi Dad? Good morning?" Su tart hands over a salad "thanks son.." albert says whit a smile "no problem" su tart leaves whit felipe "bye daddy!" Felipe says "bye..."

Alberts P O V
I was eating my salad while checking my videos . My Face  turn red when I saw this comment "hey Albert I think g0z likes you!" g0z is my friend not my lover! "Uhg" I said mad I turn on my camera and said "WHO EVER MADE THAT Comment . ABOUT ME LIKEING g0z YOUR CRAZY I DO NOT LIKE G0Z!! Then I turn off the camera "uhg"

Su tart P O V
I heard my dad yelling about something I yelled back "DAD SHUT UP FELIPE IS SLEEPING !!!" SORRY!" my dad said

Felipe P O V

I heard yelling so I started to cry "Please STOP" I yelled then I heard my brother's voice "OMG FELIPE I AM SO SORRY ,DAD!!! COME HERE !!"
I heard footsteps "WHAT Happened!?"
It was my dad "daddy..."I said in a soft voice my dad looked down "oh.." he looked sad "sorry for yelling Felipe.. " he hugged me! Now I feel better then su tart joined the hug I love my family!

Lol did I do good? First book!! Next part today or tomorrow I promise!

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