3 years later . . .

89 3 0

(btw this is for everybody bc I feel sad for Emmy)
  Y/n  p  o v 
As I was flying  around then I saw another angel flying away. Saying "EVERYBODY RUN SHE'S CRAZY ! "
I  was very confused so a was flying that direction . . .no . . .it can't be . .  Emmy? She looked like a dark angel but had a demon tail "E. . . Emmy?" I said she looked up  "y/n ! I can explain ! . . . " She said "No you don't belong in heaven nor hell we have to send you back " i said as I grabbed the wand that sends dark angels back to Earth "PLEASE d-" it was too late to finish her sentece she was gone . . .

I am sorry but you don't belong . . . Here nor hell

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