Çhâptēr 1

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Hello! Before you read the story, there are a few things you should know, there will be gore, cussing, and probably possible triggers. With that said, I'm not the best story writer, but I do try anyway. I will have the sequel out sometime, though I'm not sure when. Hope you enjoy reading my story!

*Seven years in the past*

Y/n headed over to Jeff and Liu's house getting tired of her brother yelling at her to get off the Xbox. 'What a brother! He could at least suggest we play a game together.' Y/n told herself, feeling a little sad. Walking up to the door she knocked. "Coming!" Shouted a voice from the other side. The door opened and Y/n was greeted by bright blue eyes. "What are you doing here? I thought you were busy?" Asked Jeff.

"Well, I was, but my brother is being a butt face. So I decided to come over and hang with you guys." She said looking in the house. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah sure." Jeff said letting her in then closed the door. "So, what do you wanna do?"

"I have no idea, it's your house not mine."

"It's not just his house you know." Another voice said.

"You guys are boring!" Y/n whined. " Oh! I know, let's go to the park!"

The three of them were swinging on the swings. "Tomorrow we are all gonna walk to the bus stop together. So, you two better wait on me." Y/n said starting a conversation tired of the squeaking chains.

"Yeah, whatever," Jeff said, not wanting to, "but if we wait, you better hurry. I'm not holding the bus for you."

"Fair enough." Y/n smiled at Jeff.

"Why don't we play a game. I'm bored." Liu suggested.

"Sure. Let's play..." She thought for a moment, "Hide and Seek?"

"That's a baby game." Jeff said in protest.

"Please? I'm bored and I have a really good hiding place!" Y/n said jumping off her swing. "Liu, you count. We get thirty seconds to hide."

"Okay. I hope you have the best hiding place in the world or else I'll find you." Liu said covering his eyes and faced the ground.

"Also, no give upsies or peeking!" She said running to her hiding place, which was on top of the square shaped roofing over the slides. From the way the edges raised up it would be hard to see her if no one came off the ground. 'He'll never find me here!' She giggled a bit.

"Ready or not, here I come!" Liu shouted turning around then jumped. "Jeff?! what the heck! I could have had a heart attack!"

"Dang it! You weren't supposed to turn around!" Jeff said huffing, thinking that if he stayed behind his brother he would never have been found.

Y/n held back a laugh as she peered over the edge, then she laid back down.

"Y/n? Y/n?" Both boys called out to her. "Come on! It's been almost twenty minutes." Liu shouted

"If you don't come out we are leaving!" Jeff called out next.

Even though Y/n called no give ups, she came out of her hiding place. "Alright, alright. I'm here."

"Where were you hiding?" Jeff asked her.

"In my secret spot." She told him, highlighting the word secret to let him know she wasn't going to tell him.

Jeff just huffed and started walking. "I'm going home, you coming guys?"

"Yeah." Liu responded. Y/n followed them. "I'm going to go back home, I'm sure my brother has found other important things to do." She walked back home and opened the door, her nose catching a sweet smell in the house. "Mom? Are you making something?"

Never Leave You //Jeff The Killer X Reader.(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now