Çhapter 16

800 15 6

*Third person POV*

Day by day, Y/n was given the same therapy, though sometimes, extra measures were deemed necessary by Haven. "And Jeff-" Haven pushed the button and shocks were sent through the bands. "I mean I! I went and hurt Tiffany!" Y/n fiddled with the black band on her left wrist. She didn't know if the worker was informed, but that meant less pain for her. She also received a swift smack to the hand with a ruler for touching the band. Y/n jerked back her hand and glared at Haven. "Okay, how about we move one? Where did you find such a large dog?" Haven asked her. "The dog..? Oh Smile, yes, yes, very big dog. Je- I- uhm, he has a condition that made him grow larger than the average dog."

"Where did you find him?" Repeated Haven. Y/n thought and poundered on where the large dog would have come from. "I.. don't know." She admitted, earning a hum from Haven. "Very well then. Well, I seem today successful. See you tomorrow." Haven said, writing down a few words in her notebook. Y/n clambered to the white bed and sat down. "C-can I go outside?" She asked. Haven stopped at the door and spoke, "No. Not yet." She quickly walked out the door and it closed behind her. With Haven got, Y/n picked and prodded at the bands, hoping for them to come off; however, Y/n was not aware Haven was watching her through a monitor just outside the closed door. Waves of shock caused Y/n to let out a scream. Haven stopped pressing the button and opened the door once more. "That's not going to do. I'm tired of seeing you try. I made them tight for a reason. Now give me your hand." Y/n flinched back, and clutched both hands to her chest. "..no." Y/n spoke, scooting further back on the bed. Haven gave her a glare, "I said, Give me your hands!" Haven marched closer to Y/n and harshly pulled on her arm to bring forth her hand. Haven held her arm in place, though it didn't take much effort. Y/n was scared of what would happen if she tried to free her arm. With a short few seconds, Haven found what she was looking for and slipped the mitten on her hand. She then grabbed duct tape and made the tape tight. Haven did the other hand, "I suggest you listen when I say not to touch them." She smiled sweetly before leaving the room for the final time that day. Y/n stared at her mittened hands. 'Why?' she asked herself. "Why would you do this?!" She screamed at the door. She tried clawing away at the tape, but it was useless.

*First POV*

I scratched and scratched at my hands, but it did no good. I snuggled and looked around the plain white room. I dozed before looking at the head board of the bed. I leaned over to it and saw it had a sharp edge to it. I rubbed my wrist against it and I felt the tape start to rip, so I continued to rub on it until I was able to pull the tape off with my gloved hand. I freed my right hand and sighed in relief. I only noticed my left wrist bleeding when I went to try to pull the band off. "This isn't good.." I mutter. It's not as bad as my legs once we're, so I tried not paying any attention to it. Speaking of legs, I rolled up my loose pants legs and looked at the bandages wrapping around them. I'm not sure how they look, all I know is they feel a thousand times better. "Y/n L/n, correct?" I jumped up, I hadn't even noticed the door opened. I stared at the male. "I'm here too look at your legs and arm." He slowly walked in and sat down next to me on the bed. He noticed my bleeding wrist. "What happened there?" He asked, pulling open the white box with a red cross in the top. "I cut it." I mumbled. He gave me a questioning look. Since my legs were already showing, he removed the bandages and inspected each wound. "They look good. I think you'll be fine in a few more weeks, maybe a month or a month and a half. Just make sure you go easy on them." He told me while he applied more ointment. I scooted his hand out of the way when he placed it too high up my thigh. "Let me see your arm." I pulled my arm through the sleeve and he did the same as with my leg. He also made sure to fix up my bleeding wrist and took a look at my scratched leg. " Alright, I'm sure you can leave the bandages of the scratched leg. It should be alright." I nodded and his demeanor seemed to change.

Never Leave You //Jeff The Killer X Reader.(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now