Çhaptér 15

807 15 7

"Hey, wake up!" Loud banging woke me up and I jumped with a start and nearly screamed. "bit jumpy aren't ya?" Asked the person. I stayed silent and walked over when he opened the door and motioned me over. "Your trial is today. Need anything before you go?" I slowly nodded and requested the bathroom. I looked into the mirror and was astonished. I didn't look like me at all... 'Will Jeff think me any different..?' I asked myself then shook my head. "Who cares." I said aloud. I did my business then washed my hands with the floral soap and I splashed my face with water, trying to rid the haunting thoughts. I stepped out and was greeted with a fresh set of clothes. "Your lawyer brought these for you." I took them and stepped back into the bathroom to change. I took off my shirt and glanced at myself. My damaged shoulder looks better, but still very fresh. It needs new bandages and ointment. The scar I have from a while ago still makes its way across my stomach, it had faded over time, but with a good look it sticker out like a sore thumb, I noticed other small scratches and stuff too. I placed on the black shirt and threw my pants off. I had completely forgotten about my legs, so much so that they started to burn as soon as I thought about them. As embarrassing as it is, I needed someone to have a look at all the mishaps to my legs. I barely opened the door, "Excuse me. I, uhm, I need a doctor or something." I quietly spoke, my throat felt dry and itchy. I shut the door back and hobbled over to the toilet to take a seat. The scratches left by Liu have healed over and don't bother me as much anymore; however, the stab wound and the bite mark still hurt like crazy.

I don't know how long I was in that bathroom, but I managed to keep my head clear of any thought as I focused on staring at my hands. A soft knock sounded on the other side of the door and it opened. "Miss L/n, I need you to put this on, and I'll assist you." The woman placed down a blue cover and shut the door back. I stumbled over and picked it up. I took off my shirt and threw it on, I tried my best to tie the back, but didn't think too much into it. I opened the door to allow the doctor inside. "Alright, let me see what I'm working with." She brought with her two med kits and what seems to be her own kit if stuff. I showed her my legs first and she grimaced. "How you're not screaming right now is beyond me. I'm not entirely aware what's happened to you, but I hope you're alright. Now, just to help out, I'm going to numb each wound, okay?" I didn't say anything and let her do her thing. She took some brownish liquid and applied it over my leg, a short few seconds later and I didn't feel a thing. "Who did these stitches?" She asked. "Jeff." I muttered. "Well, is he a doctor?" I let out a very small, almost non-existent smile. "No, no, but he does murder people." Her eyes widened, and she stopped talking for a moment. She cleared her throat and smiled nonetheless, "Were you a hostage..?" Her question did t bother me much and I answered to the best of my ability, "I think so, but nobody want to believe me." She nodded and wrapped some gauze around my leg. "These scratches look alright, but I'll clean them for you anyway. Is there anything else troubling you?"

"My arm. Though I can't really feel anything." I pulled down the sleeve slightly and showed her the bullet wound. "What happened there?"

"A bullet went through.. and now I can't feel anything." She finished up my leg and brought her full attention to my arm. "Alright, it seems you can move it, so no muscle damage. You seem to have gotten lucky, it's not common to see this happen. Perhaps when you can, I might be able to do some surgery to help you get some feeling back."

"Really..?" I asked, kind of astonished. "Of course." She finished up by placing more gauze and bandages over the wound. "I'll be going now." She waved goodbye and I waved back. I followed her out the door after I had placed on my clothing. "Alright, this way then." Said the man that woke me up. "Where's Smile?" I asked. "He's fine." He spoke, leading me outside the police station. I was placed in more handcuffs before I was placed into a cop car.

"Judge Judy please hear me out. There are several things that don't add up. How could Miss L/n harm innocent people in her condition?" Asked Mrs. Whiterock. Judy looked skeptical, and looked at a few papers on her stand. I stood at a small podium and felt eyes burning into my skull. "You may have a fair point, but that doesn't explain why a young lady was found dead with her fingerprints all over her. " Judge Judy spoke. "If I may call my client to the stand, I'm sure I could clear a few things up."

Never Leave You //Jeff The Killer X Reader.(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now