çhåptēr 11

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"This is Officer Woodard calling for Sheriff Joshua, we need backup immediately! I don't know what's going on, but we need more men!" Called an officer in his car; doors locked for safety. "I'm sending my men on the way! Can I know what we are dealing with?!" Replied Sheriff Joshua. His voice was full of anguish. "Some sort of mythical creature! I don't know?! And a huge dog!" Woodard flinched as the side of his car was hit with brute force. There was a brief pause in the woods, no sound, no movements, no nothing. Not even a leaf was daring to break the quiet silence. "Officer, why are you in those woods? You know that's where the thing resides." The voice on the other end of the radio seemed calm and different. "Sheriff? W-why are you so calm?!" The Officer shouted confused and worried at the soundless woods. "Goodbye Officer. Oh and if you make it back, I'll be sure to end your life. Your Sheriff made the wrong choice as well, so have a good day." The male voice sang to Officer Woodard. The officer stared at the radio and was in disbelief. He slowly started his car.

The sound of a car engine smacked against Y/n's ear drums as she lie on the ground. She didn't move, nor did the dog above her; his haunches raised and teeth bared. Seconds after the engine was sounded, breaking glass and screams rang out. Y/n's breath hitched as the area cleared of screams. Something crunched leaves and this made Smile growl in a low manner. The Rake slowly crawled out of the shadows, covered in thick red liquid. Smile bared his teeth; lips pulling back into a snarl. Luckily, The Rake was out on energy and decided it didn't need another meal. Y/n let out a sigh and shakily sat up, making sure to push Smile off her. The wound on her left shoulder was numb. She couldn't feel anything, not even her fingers. She wiggled her fingers; Move they did, but the feeling wasn't there. 'Oh no!' she groaned, climbing to her feet. Her calf hurt when she did. Deciding to ignore both bleeding wounds, she quickly tried finding a phone from the police that would work. She found a dead body and tried her best not to look in the stomach area, for there were entrails pulled out and twisted with the dirt on the ground. "There's gotta be one!" Y/n cried out, not finding anything in the woman's pockets. "No, no, no!" She screamed out the last no and crumpled to the cold ground. "Nothing ever goes right! First I lose my best friend! Then I lose Tiffany! Now my mom's gone! I'm in pain! And nobody is around to help me!" Hot tears streamed down the broken female's face as she turned on her right side to face away from the dead body. "Is that how you feel?" Asked a gruff voice from the trees. Y/n didn't reply, feeling no need to. "Okay, fine. No more games then. Come one, get up." Jeff walked to her and held out his pale white hand, asking for her s/n hands to take his. E/c eyes glanced up and then looked back down at the ground. "Come one now! Don't make me get pissed!" He said, louder than he intended. "Just kill me already..." she whisper-cried. More tears fell, washing away a bit of dirt as they did. Jeff put his hand down and let out a sigh. Y/n looked back up to him and saw him pull out his knife. Letting out a sad huff, she waited for him to end it all; however, a soft 'thunk' sounded a small distance away. Jeff had thrown the knife into the bark of a nearby tree and he was now crouches by her head. "I'm-" He paused, unsure of how to place his words, "I'm sorry." He spoke, more of a question than a real statement. "You're sorry?" Y/n asked sitting up, moving her fingers one more time to be sure they still moved properly. "You're sorry?!" She yelled, "Sorry isn't going to cut it! First, you kidnap me! Then you kill my best friend! What happened to that funny, caring boy I used to like?! What happened to the Jeffrey I once knew?! And don't give me that 'people change' crap! People don't change that much?! Do you realize how worried I was when you went ballistic and nearly killed me when we were younger? Sure I knew you when out killing, but in reality, I never blamed you once for what happened!" She cried harder than she's ever cried before. Y/n let out all of her emotions, her anger, her sadness, even small tears of joy. The tears of joy came from her knowing she's the only one stuck with this crazed lunatic, so others are mostly safe. Jeff was silent. "I- I don't have anything to say." He admitted, feelings he thought he lost years ago came rushing back into his heart. A pang of resentment and sadness filled up his heart. "I shouldn't have done that. I should have just left you alone." He stood from the ground and called Smile to his side. "Just please, kill me now! I don't wanna go through this hell anymore!" Smile slowly walked to her side and licked her wounded shoulder. Not that Y/n minded, she couldn't feel it after all. "I won't do that." Jeff stated, looking in any direction but Y/n's. She half scared and brought her hands to pull her h/c, matted locks. "If you won't I will!" Anger had overcome the female and she swiftly stood and began running towards the knife Jeff had thrown not so long ago. "The hell are you doing?" He demanded, stepping in front of her. He held onto her shoulders, making sure not to place his hand on the left's wound. "Why must you let me live?! What's the purpose of torturing someone so much they lose all hope?!" After she spoke, Y/n flopped her head down on Jeff's shoulder. A small pause felt like an eternity to the both of them. "You know," Y/n began taking a small breath, "I used to like you-like you, but now I don't even know you anymore." She said, shaking Jeff's off her shoulder, so she could hug him. Her sore, cut, numb, and bruised arms wrapped around his built torso.

Never Leave You //Jeff The Killer X Reader.(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now