çhãptér 2

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A few weeks have passed since Y/n has last seen Jeff and Liu. Y/n still didn't want to visit him, well she may have, but refused to. She didn't want to cry or be a bother to his family. Even if she still cried to herself every night, wishing that no one had died or got hurt. "Y/n dear? I hear Jeff is coming home today. If it's okay with his parents I could see if you could stay over, see how's he doing and all." M/n told her. "Really?! He gets to come home today! That means he's better!" Y/n quickly jumped off the couch and ran upstairs to retrieve her stuff, then she ran into the kitchen where M/n was talking to Mrs. Woods. "Okay, yes that would be great thank you!" M/n said and hung up the phone. "You are allowed to stay over and see your friends. Make sure you pack everything you need. Remember, don't ask him questions, it may trigger him. He's kinda still in unstable condition. Mrs. Woods told me he may be like that for a while, so be nice. I heard he looks, how should I say this, different? Not in a bad way though. He seems happy with his look." Y/n nodded in understanding. "Thanks, Mom. And I won't. I just wanna make sure he is okay and well." She gave her mother a hug and waved good-bye.

Y/n skipped over to their house. "knock, knock!" She called knocking on the door. Their mother opened the door. "Ah, hello Y/n. Jeff and Liu are in the bedroom playing video games if you want to join them."

"Thank you for having me over. It means a lot." Y/n said with a smile, greeting her with a hug. She instantly received one back. "Thank you for being there. For the both of them," Mrs. Woods started, "it really means a lot to me and my husband." Y/n let go and looked up to Mrs. Woods and saw her crying. "They are very, very good people. Of course I'd be there for them." They both shared a smile and Mrs. Woods ushered her in. She thanked her again and went up the stairs. The door to the boy's room was opened so she invited herself in "Hey, Liu. Hey, Jeff." She said to them flopping down on Jeff's bed. "Watcha playin'?"

"A boring game..." Jeff said tossing the controller to the side. "Why are you here?"

"I wanted to see you guys, I haven't seen you in forever. I missed you both! And uh..Jeff? I'm really sorry about my brother." Y/n looked down at her lap feeling too guilty to look at him and tears came to her eyes.. "That's okay, It's not like any harm was done." He told her with a giggle. "Plus I feel great!" Y/n looked at him and wiped her eyes. "Are you sure everything is okay? I mean I wouldn't be okay with what happened. I mean you look like-" she stopped herself and raised her hands and waved them, "I don't mean it in a bad way!"

"Yeah, yeah. Here" Jeff said handing her another controller. They played a few games, the boys enjoying it more than Y/n because they kept winning against her. Soon enough, Liu is out like a light with a half eaten chip in his mouth. Jeff was asleep on the floor, controller on his chest, and Y/n fell asleep on Lui's bed, a controller rested in her left hand.

It's the middle of the night when Y/n heard a muffled scream. She jumped up, she looked at Liu, who was still fast asleep, and decided it could have been nothing and tried laying back down; however, she was still uneasy. Deciding to look around, she walked to the door, taking note Jeff wasn't anywhere in the room. "Hello? Is everything okay? Jeff?" She called out in the dark. "Is anybody there?" It was pitch black she walked down the hallway to Mr. and Mrs. Woods' room. She walked over to the bed and tried shaking Mrs. Woods awake. Something warm and liquid touched her hand. Panicking, she quickly turned on the lamp near the bed. Looking at her hand she saw blood. Both parents were dead blood and guts everywhere. 'I need to get out of here!' Y/n told herself running back into the boy's room, in hopes to wake Liu. "Liu?! LIU! " He jolted awake and rubbed his tired eyes, "Y-yeah?" He asked, confused. "We need to leave now! Your parents are dead, I don't know where Jeff is I-" Hearing something from behind, Y/n quickly turned around only to be greeted by Jeff who had blood all over him. "J-Jeff! Are you okay?! Are you hurt?! What happened?! She asked, Liu came to her and he saw the look in his brother's eyes "I found my happy place!" He told her in a crazed laugh. "Too bad for you, you stayed over at the wrong time." Jeff lunged for her and Y/n slipped and hit her head on the floor. Struggling with all her might, she felt a sharp pain in her shoulder. "Stop struggling! It won't do you any good!" Jeff growled at her. "P-please get off me!" Y/n begged, still putting up a fight against his strong grip. Liu jumped on him and pinned him to the floor. "GO! Get help!" He called, struggling against Jeff's grip.Y/n couldn't move, she was scared, scratch that, she was terrified. She stood up and slowly, but surely, came to her senses. A thump was heard behind her and she began to run down the stairs. Y/n wanted to turn back and see if Liu was okay, but decided against it. Her foot missed the last step and she tripped, 'No! Stupid movie cliché garbage!' she cursed herself using her good arm to get back up. As she began running, she was tackled and another sharp pain was felt in her stomach. "I'm sorry, Y/n, but you must die like everyone else!" Jeff's crazed eyes locked into hers. She began crying again, "W-why?! Why do this?!" She screamed adrenaline pumped through her blood stream and she managed to shove him off of her. She managed to get outside and to a neighbor's house with a wounded shoulder and stomach and not be jumped by Jeff. She began pounding the door. The last thing she saw was the door opening with a grumpy looking teenager before he quickly changed his attitude to worry.

*M/n's POV*

*Ring!* *Ring!* I sat up, annoyed by the phone. I reached over and grabbed the phone off the hook, "What could you possibly want at this time of night?" I ask, rather rudely. "This is Mrs. L/n correct?" The voice from the other end asked me. My heart picked up pace. "Yes it is, what happened?" It's silent for a second, "I'm sorry to inform you that your daughter was sent to the hospital three hours ago and only woke up about an hour ago." My heart stops, "I- what-"

"Please do not panic, she is fine, now regarding the Woods family, the mother and father were found dead, the son is also in the hospital. I'm on my way to the house right now. I need you to give me any information you can, do you understand?" "Y-yes, I can do that." I tell him tears threatening to spill out of my green eyes. "Will she be okay?" I asked about my daughter, just to be certain. I'll be damned if I lose another child. "You should head to the hospital and see your daughter for yourself. After questioning." He tells me. "Okay." I say, heading outside to meet the police officer once he arrives.

The ride was long, I cried the whole way. I parked my car in an open spot and dashed into the hospital. "I'm here to see, Y/n L/n!!" I say in a rush. The woman at the front desk pointed me at a nurse. I walked over to her, and she quickly led me to my daughter's room."M-Mom?" Y/n's raspy voice calls to me. I run and give her a hug, and she flinches. "I'm sorry! Where does it hurt?" I ask. She smiles weakly at me, "I'm fine. My shoulder and stomach just hurt." A police officer walks in the room, "Now, miss Y/n, I have a few questions." Y/n quickly began telling her side of the story and the officer asked a few questions here and there.

Liu was no better from what I know, he had a smile carved into his face and had other bad wounds. Still at the hospital, I stayed by Y/n's side the whole time. "Miss Y/n, how are you feeling sweetheart?" A nurse asked Y/n. She gives the nurse a smile, "Better, the painkillers are working and the stitches don't hurt any. I do have a question though, will I be hurt permanently?"

"Oh no, honey, it's going to be okay. You didn't receive any permanent damage. just a few scars." The nurse reassured her. "I'd rather be scarred than have something that affects my life." The nurse tells her, before handing her a cup of water.

*Third person POV.*

A few hours have gone by and the police showed up to question Y/n again, now that she was feeling better rested. "Now you need to tell everything you know, okay?" A female officer told her. "Who was the one who attacked you?"

"Jeff. it was Jeff." Y/n said not knowing if she could tattle on her friend, but did anyway. 'Is he even considered a friend anymore?'

"Okay, what did he look like?"

"He had paper white face and hands..." She pauses, before continuing, "His face was bloodied. He was all bloody, actually. His mouth looked cut, into a huge smile and what I could see, it looked like he tried doing something to his eyes."

"Is that all the details?" The officer asked Y/n, and took some notes. "Yes, sorry. It's all I can remember." The officer looked over to the mother. "She's in a bad state I can tell." The officer said with a sigh. Y/n gave her a glance, but didn't say anything.

"Okay, thank you." M/n said. The officer walked out of the room and the police left, satisfied with the answers they received. "Y/n honey, will you be alright?" She looked over at her mother, "Yeah I will. I'm very stable. You should probably go home and get some rest." She said. "They can find a spare bed for me, or I can sleep in this chair." M/n tells her and she sighed. "Mom, please go home. I don't want you staying here being uncomfortable. So please go home?" She asked more than told. M/n gives in, "Alright, promise me to get some rest." Y/n nodded and she headed home.


If there are still mistakes, let me know! Also, if you have anything you wish I would have clarified (for any of the chapters) please message me or tell me in the comments! Have a good one! --- Jenny

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