çhãptér 5

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Y/n quickly looked up to be met with green eyes. "Miss me? My dear, Y/n" The person says. "Wha? Who are you..?" She asked, confusion prominent in her voice and took notice of the stitches across his face.

"How rude, how could you forget me? I'm Liu."

"Liu?! I thought you died!" Y/n eagerly wanted to hug him, but refrained because the clothes he wore, fit the description of the second killer. She was also terrified at the fact he was alive. "I would have, but..." Liu thought for a moment. "I found someone who could help me."

"Who would that be?"

"That would be me, Love." A deeper, more scary voice says. "I'm Sully."

Y/n was confused by the sudden voice change and the atmosphere change. "You snapped didn't you?" She asked, taking a small step back.

"Snapped? No, no, oh no, he found something that would make his life better after he killed Jeff and found you." That same deep voice said, slightly frightening Y/n. Liu shook his head and spoke to her. "I-I'm sorry." He said, then looked at her list, which was in her hand, "Want help in getting those?"

"...No... I got this." Y/n told him mixed with fear and worry. "I'm sorry about what happened way back then." She said, hoping that's all he wanted, so he would leave. "Nothing could have been done unless someone saw the future." He replied, reaching into his hoodie pocket. "Did you move or something?"

"I did," she started to say, 'perhaps I shouldn't say where.' Liu gave her a look that just said continue, but she did not. He scoffed and grabbed her hand. "Hey! Ow that hurts!" She cried pulling her wrist, trying to break his hold. Something cold pressed against her neck and her struggling stopped. "Ya wanna know a little secret?" He asked her. Y/n shook her head. "No? Well I'm going to tell you anyway!" His crazed laugh rang in her ears. "I've always wanted to see your pretty face plastered on my wall. I've always wanted you to notice me as well, but no, you had your damn head stuck up that lowly piece of shits ass." He said, his voice now a snarl. He released her hand and grabbed a fist full of her H/c hair. She let out a cry and her hands flew up to his, "I wanna see you cry, while I slowly gut your mother and make her eat her own damn insides!"

"HEY!" A voice called from inside the store, "what are you doing to her?" Liu brought his face to her ear, "I suggest you watch your back, Y/n." He then roughly threw her to the ground and looked behind him to see the person getting closer. "Tell anyone what I look like or what I said, your fucking dead meat." With a blink of an eye, he was gone into the darkening night. "Hey, are you alright? Who was that man?" Taking in the words of Liu, she shook her head. "I'm not sure. Just some crazy guy looking for someone." She muttered weakly, confused and scared.

After the incident, the woman who helped her to her feet, stayed by her side throughout the store in case Liu was to come back. Y/n got what was on the list and smiled kindly at the woman, "Thank you for staying with me." The woman smiled back at her, "it's no big deal, really. I'm just helping out." Placing her items back into the buggy, she headed for her car. The woman helped place her items in the car. "You should probably stay at home when it's becoming dark. Who knows if he will come back at this time of day, again." The woman said, raking her tan hand through her blonde hair. Y/n nodded, "You're probably right. I don't think anyone should be out this late anymore. It's just not safe, like it used to be."

"Yeah, that's very true. Well, have a good night. Make sure to get home safely."

"You too." Y/n said. The woman was about to turn around and leave, but she stopped. "I'm Tara, Tara Wells." Tara told Y/n.

"Oh uh, I'm, Y/n L/n."

"How about we exchange numbers? We should keep in touch and get to know one another. You seem really cool." The two exchanged their numbers and bid each other farewell.

Y/n managed to get home with everything inside with no difficulties or run-ins. "Hey, Mom!" She greeted, "I'm back, and I may or may have not bought a few extra things just in case." They both laughed a little. "Hey, uh, I saw on the news again, that a few miles down the road another killing took place. Perhaps, you shouldn't go out this late anymore. Okay?"

"Yeah, alright." Agreed Y/n while placing the food where it belongs. "Want to watch a movie, Mom?"

"No thanks, I might just grab a drink and head to bed. Do me a favor? Make sure everything is locked tight." M/n said reaching into the fridge. "Okay, I'll make sure everything is secure. I might get an alarm set up for you just in case, alright?"

"Okay, thank you, Dear."

"You're welcome. It may take a few days, but that should be fine. Right?" M/n nodded, "Oh yeah, that will be fine. You don't really have to get me one though." Y/n waved her off, "I don't need to I want to. So I can make sure you're safe when I go back to my apartment, after my stay."

"Okay, well, thank you, Dear. It means a lot, really."

"It's no problem. Goodnight Momma. I love you."

"I love you too." M/n said before walking up the stairs to her room. Y/n grabbed a snack, after making sure that every window and door was locked, and sat down on the couch in the living room. "Oh boy, what to watch." She asked herself aloud whilst grabbing a few DVDs that were near the couch on the coffee table. "This one looks fairly nice." She said placing the DVD in the player. About halfway through the movie, Y/n fell asleep.


Howdy-ho! How was your day today? I hope it was well! --- Jenny

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