Çhāptër 14

882 14 2

After being thrown into a confession room I kept my mouth shut as a woman with the proper attire entered and sat down. "Would you like a lawyer?" She asked me. "I can't afford one." I mumbled. "That's no issue, I'm a friend of your mother. Once I heard you were here, I came over as quickly as possible." I looked up at the woman, "You hear to defend me?" She nodded, "I believe you didn't comit any murder. I took a look at the picture and the site itself. With how beaten up your legs are, I don't believe you did anything of the sort." The woman moved to sit beside me in the chair and a male detective walked in. "Miss Y/n L/n, correct?" He asked, though he seemed to be holding back a few snarky remarks. I nod and he sits down in the chair across from me. "Why did you do it?" I look at him with wide eyes, "I didn't do anything! I swear!" I blurt out. "So, you didn't kill Tiffany, or those other two girls?" I started to cry, "Why would I ever? I'm no monster!" I nearly shouted, before a hand was placed on my shoulder. "Mr. Shinashi, why don't we save the questions for the courtroom? I only wish to speak to her in peace." The man glared at me before scoffing and standing up in his seat. "I'll be listening from the other side. She waved her hand, as if saying it was perfectly fine. After he left, she placed her brown eyes on my and let out a small smile. "Miss L/n, please tell me what happened and why we found you in the home of the Lawrences'." I took a deep breath before beginning to explain the crazy situation in which I had been forced into.

*Third POV*

"You traitor!" The words never left the male as he trekked back towards the woods leading to the town where Y/n's house resided. There he met up with Liu who wasn't afraid to bite his tongue. "So you just left her there?!" He shouted, gripping on the suitcase handle. "I know I fucked up, okay?! It was better for her to be caught than me!" Jeff shouted back. Clenching his hands into fists. "Why didn't you pull her out the window with you?! Are you crazy?!" Everytime Liu shouted, both of his personalities would show, Jeff knew this meant he was beyond mad. "Why do you even care?! You just wanted to get into her pants and hurt her some more!" Liu didn't hesitate and punched his younger brother square in the face. Jeff stumbled back and looked Liu directly in the eyes. "At least I wouldn't let her be caught by the police!" Jeff rubbed his bleeding nose and threw a punch of his own. To Jeff's dismay, Liu was faster and moved out of the way whilst successfully giving him a punch to the stomach. Jeff grunted and leaned over to clutch his stomach. "Are you done yet?" Liu asked, while his other personality, Sully, tried speaking with him. "Go to hell!" Jeff yelled, quickly tackling his brother to the ground. "You need to shut the hell up! It wasn't my fault that stupid wan hid! Maybe if you hadn't scared Y/n so badly, she'd be fine!" Jeff raised his fist and brought it down on Liu's face. A loud crack rang out in the otherwise quiet forest.

"You say this person is Jeffery Woods? The kid that was assumed dead years ago?" Asked Mrs. Whiterock, Y/n's lawyer for her case. "Yes! He's alive, I promise!" Mrs. Whiterock scribbled a few things down in her note book and looked back up and the scared woman. "And what about the large dog we found? Why is it so big?"

"I don't know! Some dogs just get big okay?!" Y/n was getting to the point of telling from all the questions. All she wished for was her house and mother back, to be wrapped up in her mother's bear hugs. "Don't hurt him!" She quickly tacked on. Mrs. Whiterock let out a small smile, in hopes it would bring some comfort to Y/n. "Do not worry, he hasn't hurt anyone of the officers and we can't identify that he's hurt another human that's ended up being examined on. Speaking of which, our officers in the woods, what happened to them." You looked the woman dead in the eyes and spoke with as much calmness as you could, "The Rake."

"The Rake? What do you mean?"

"It's a, ugh! It's like a sick human with twisted features, sharp teeth like razors, and claws like the devil's trident. Can I leave yet?!" With a small sigh, Mrs. Whiterock stood from her seat. "I'll see what I can do to get you out of this situation. With a huff of tiredness and anger, Y/n slumped down in her seat and focused on the pounding of her heart in her legs.

Never Leave You //Jeff The Killer X Reader.(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now