çhåptēr 7

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*M/n's POV*

I quickly jumped up at the sound of a scream echoing through the small hallway. "Y/N?" I called as I ran to the living room. She was thrashing, shaking, screaming, and crying. "P-please! I didn't do it!" She cried. I ran to her side and tried shaking her awake, but that seemed to worsen her dream. "No! NO PLEASE!" she begged once more. "Y/n! Y/n, dear, please wake up!" I say placing my hand on her hot forehead. "I- it- no! It wasn't me I swear! I didn't kill Troy! It wasn't me!" Her cry's became more desperate. Her thrashing was picking up. She seemed to be running from something. I note, still trying to shake her awake. I pulled the covers off of her, because she was becoming tangled in them. She must be sweating real bad. A big sweat stain was where she lay. "P-please. It wasn't me. I.. I swear." A sudden, abrupt stop came after her sentence. "Y/n?" I whisper. Her E/c hues snap open and she screams. "Y/n, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you." I say in a calm voice trying to reassure her. I got closer and placed a hand on her shoulder, "Would telling me about it help?" I asked. Y/n nodded slowly. "He tried blaming me. I- It- it wasn't me. I promise." She shuddered in a light whisper, "he blamed me for Troy's death. I swear I didn't do it." Y/n said. "Dear, who is he? You keep saying 'he' but who is he?" Her eyes locked into mine, "I don't know. I just know it's a he." I look at her confused, 'just he, huh?' she lets out a sigh. "What does he look like? Maybe if you tell me that, I could help you name him?" I ask. Y/n thinks for a moment before speaking with a shaken breath, "I just can't remember. His emerald eyes are all I can remember I-" she doesn't finish her sentence and a sob escapes her. "I can't, Mom. I just can't!" An angered growl left in her words and she wraps me in a tight hug. "It's okay, Honey. It's okay. Look," I start, "maybe if you don't think about it, you'll feel better and this whole dream will go over your head." I rub her back in a circular motion. She releases the hug and sits up straight. "Mom?"


"Can you stay? Just until I can fall asleep again?" I gave her a warm smile, even if she couldn't see it in the dark moonlight. "Sure. If you want, I can tell you stories of when you were little " she nods her head and lays down. I began telling her a story.

*Third POV* (story)

A little girl sat quietly, sketchbook in her little arms and a pencil in one hand. "Mommy! Look at that one!" Said the little girl, pointing up in a tree at a beautiful blue bird. "Yeah, it's pretty." Her mother told her, "why don't you draw it?" The little girl instantly began to draw on the paper. A minute later, the girl shoved the book in her mother's face, "It looks like a masterpiece, right!" She asked in a giggle. Her mother gave her a smile, taking the book in her own hands. You could hardly tell it was a bird, several marks of pencil seemed to be randomly thrown together. But of course M/n wouldn't say that. "It looks amazing, Honey. You could be an artist when you get older." Her mother started, "or if you keep this up, you'll be an artist by tomorrow." The little girl laughed, "you really think so?! Could you imagine? The new artist of the year, Y/n L/n, with masterpieces like this, you'll never wanna not buy them!" She said with a voice full of happiness and enthusiasm.

*M/n's POV*

"I remember you were so happy on that day." M/n said to a now sleeping Y/n. "Sleep well, Dear. I love you." She walked out of the room, being sure to keep quiet and entered her own room. "Now to go find that man." She huffed changing her clothes into proper attire for the night. "Stupid man, always needs something. But at least he keeps Y/n safe from harm."

*Third POV*

Y/n woke up for the second time and walked into the kitchen. A note was placed in the center of the table.

Dear, Y/n

Hey, sweetheart! I went out for the night. I should be back later in the day. I hope you sleep well after what happened. Don't worry about where I am, I'm fine. Just paying that guy I talked about before. If you forgot who it is, it's just Ron.

Never Leave You //Jeff The Killer X Reader.(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now