Çhapter 13

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That's sorta what smile looks like except the white fur is red. Also I should mention, if I haven't before, Jeff does have eyelids 😅

Liu smirked and shoved Smile off him. He twirled his knife in his hand, after he stood, "Yeah, long time to see. I see you've had Y/n with you." You moved to the bathroom and hid your body behind the door, but you made sure you could still see the two brothers in the hallway. "Of course I've had her with me. I couldn't let you find her first." Jeff spoke, taking a step forward. Smile stood from where he was and sat in front of you, as if he was going to protect you if things went wrong. "Ah, but I would have treated her nicely." Jeff growled at him and lunged forward. Liu dodged his attack and slashed his arm. "I bet she's too scared to run away from you. I mean, you did kill her best friend." Liu taunted with a smirk plastering his face. "At least I know how to keep my pants up! She'd be scared for life if you had found her first!" Jeff sneard, running back at the other male. This time Liu didn't dodge in time and the knife went through his shoulder. He only smirked, "That all you got?" He asked, his voice changing once more. "You need to leave. We have nothing to discuss!" Jeff demanded dodging an attack. "Oh? But we do. The police are still looking for Y/n and if they find her, well, how do you know she won't rat us out? I need to stay with the both of you to make sure that doesn't happen." Both boys stood a small distance away. "I'm not going to get caught. Trust me. I'll kill myself before I let you follow me around."

"Oh really? Guess you better get to it, because I'm not leaving." Jeff grumbled and threw his hands up. "Fine have it your way, but you better stay away from Y/n or else!" He threaded. Liu laughed and turned towards you. "I'm excited to see you again." The look he gave you made you highly uncomfortable and glanced over at Jeff. "Stop being a pig and leave her alone. Come on, Y/n. We got what we came here for, we really should get a move on." With Liu still closer to you than you would have liked, you swiftly grabbed your stuff you carried with you to the bathroom and scurried as quickly as you could back to your bedroom. Muffled conversation was held between the two brothers as you did a double take to make sure you grabbed everything you would need. You took a short second to yourself and slapped your forehead. 'This could be my chance! Quickly slipping on shome shoes, you decided to look in your mother's bedroom, you quietly opened the door and went into her's, before shutting and locking the door. You rummaged through drawers, knowing she always kept a spare phone for emergencies in case she couldn't get to her own. With more rummaging, you finally found it underneath a book. You quickly turned it on and tapped the icon that says 'emergency call'. You waited a minimum of three seconds to listen. Thankfully, the two males in the hall seemed to be discussing a few things and hadn't noticed that you hadn't shown yourself just yet. You dialed the famous 911 and held it up to your ear. "911 How may I help you?" Asked a female. With a shaken breath you spoke, "I'm being held captive in my own house." You said, straining you hearing to listen to both the woman and the people in your hallway. "Okay, Are you in a hiding place?" She asked. "Yes, of course. I've also locked myself in a room." You heard her typing away on her computer, "I'm going to need your address." Everything was going a bit too smoothly when you gave her the address and you decided to hop in the closet behind some of your mother's clothes. "Y/n?!" 'Ah there it is...' you said to yourself as you tried to flatten yourself against the wall. "We have gotten your location and police are already on their way. Please make sure to be extra quiet and make minimal noise." Instructed the woman. You sighed quietly, "Forget it. I'm going out the window." The rushing of feet moved past the locked door and down to your room. "Ma'am! That's isn't very safe!" You quickly tossed the phone into your shorts pocket before quietly going over to the window. You looked down and saw the ground. "It's high up, but not too high. I might be able to climb down a small distance.' You took note of the nooks and crannies that the wall held and you slipped one foot out of the window.

Never Leave You //Jeff The Killer X Reader.(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now