çhâptër 4

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Y/n let out a scream and the thing pounced on her. Its long, scrawny arms reached out, trying to wrap its boney fingers around her throat. "Get off!" Pushing with all her might, she still couldn't get the thing to move or budge. The thing let out a shrill scream. The scream rang in her ears and her pushes lessened. She was almost bitten on the shoulder before it was slung off of her. "Sorry,Rake, but this one is mine." The creature let out a cry as it jumped up. A raspy voice followed as a bloodied knife was held up above Y/n's head. "Hello, Y/n. Long time no see." The voice said, directed at her.


She jolted up, tears pouring down her face and her mother burst through the door, "Y/n?! Y/n dear, are you alright?! You were screaming." She couldn't muster up any words and just sobbed. "I- it was a nightmare." She cried. "Jeff w-was there. He killed you and t-then he chased me into the woods. And there- this thing- it-" M/n wrapped her up in a hug and tried her best to calm her. "It's okay, I'm here for you." Y/n held her back and cried a little more before falling back asleep in her mother's hug.

Y/n let out a sigh of relief, 'that was years ago.' Y/n said as she recognized her old neighborhood. 'This is where it all started. And this is where it will end.' She told herself parking in the driveway of her mother's house. She knocked before opening the door with her own keys, "Mom? You gotta stop locking the door when I come over." Y/n called. M/n appeared in the living room and hugged Y/n, "My how you've grown! It felt like yesterday that you were only fourteen." She laughed lightly. Y/n smiled at her mother, "I couldn't stay small forever you know. How have you been, Momma?" She asked her mother, as she placed her things on the couch. "I've been okay, the town got less news alerts over the past few years." She inquired. "That's, good. That's actually amazing." Y/n said making her way into the kitchen, "Want me to make something?" M/n came into the kitchen, "If you wouldn't mind." Y/n said, "How about we make something together? Like," she thought for a moment, "meatloaf? With mashed potatoes, corn, rolls, and maybe cake for later?" M/n nodded, "Sounds good actually. It's been a while since I've had meatloaf." The day continued as the two women made the food and laughed when one made a joke or told a funny story. Soon the food was done and they both sat down to eat. "How is it living in an apartment?" M/n asked Y/n. "It was quite nice, actually. It has plenty of room and it has a nice view of the city. Away from danger too." Y/n said to her mother, taking a bite of her food. "That's good. I'm glad you liked it there. Have you met a guy yet?"

"Mom, really? No one, or guy, is even close to twenty-one. The men there are in their forties, for crying out loud."

"There are more people than in the apartment complex." M/n said. "You're missing my point. I don't really want to date right now. I'm still young and dumb." She laughed slightly. 

 Y/n slowly woke up and had a killer headache. 'Ahh, what the heck?' she asked. Getting up and going to the familiar white bathroom. She grabbed a pain killer from the mirror that hung above the white sink in the bathroom, that held small shelves within it, then walked down stairs to retrieve a glass of water. "Hey, Momma. How are you today?" She asked, seeing M/n stillting down at the table while she was looking on her laptop. "Pretty good, dear, how are you?"

"I'm okay. I just woke up with a headache. Hopefully, it will be gone soon. I hate having them."

"Me too. It's so dumb right? Why have them?" M/n questioned with a small laugh, "I really don't see the reasoning behind them." They began to have a small conversation and thus began the start of the day.

Later that evening, Y/n and M/n decided to watch the news. After Y/n had brought most of her belongings from her apartment to her mother's house for a long stay. She'd only left a few things behind, and made sure she could still make it to work on time.

The news channel showed a woman, her hair was slicked back into a ponytail, and she wore the proper clothing. Beside her, a picture was blown up to show details. It was a news article describing the killers.

'Please keep a look out for the murderers.

Several victims and bystanders have seen another killer on the loose.'

Description of both killers.

Killer #1

white hoodie, black pants, converses, and what seems to be a carved smile, white skin, and black hair.

killer #2

A black jacket, blue jeans, converses, a white and black scarf, stitches across the face, and brown hair.

"Again, please keep a lookout and if you have any idea of their whereabouts, please contact your local police station immediately "

"Wow, guess there goes the peaceful nature." Y/n said shaking her head. M/n; however, was a little scared. "Why did they come back? The town was so quiet." Her nimble fingers reached for the remote, "I don't want to watch anymore." She turned off the television. "I'm not certain, Mom, but maybe they are targeting someone?" Y/n said looking at her mother. "Perhaps, it just scares me."

"It does me too, but as long as we stay out in the daylight and with crowds, we should be safe."

"Yeah." Y/n stood up from the couch and headed over to a small closet that sat in the corner of the living room, "How about we play a board game to ease our minds?"

"That sounds like an amazing idea."

Later that day, Y/n decided to go to the store for her mother. "Yes, Mom, I'll be fine, I promise." She tried reassuring her mother. "Okay, fine. You have the list right?" Her mother asked her and she held up the list. "Yep, it's all right here. Are you sure you're not forgetting anything?" M/n looked in her cabinets one more time, "No, I think I marked it all down."

"Okay, well, I'll see you in a few. Love you." She said to M/n and got in her car, which was parked in the driveway, and put the keys in the ignition. "I love you too. Stay safe, alright?" M/n waved goodbye to her through the front door and Y/n waved back before pulling out of the driveway. She arrived at the store, got out of her car, and began making her way inside. "Man, it sure is- Oh! I'm sorry!" She quickly says to the person she bumped into.


I've decided that you guys are going to be my Pennies, because my name is JennyPenny. Hehe. --- Jenny

Never Leave You //Jeff The Killer X Reader.(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now